
joined 2 years ago
[–] MarkHughes4096 5 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Don't the lib dems have rejoining or closer ties as part of their manifesto ? or did I not recall properly...

[–] MarkHughes4096 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

"Auxiliary light on"

I guess they use that to trigger the drop.

[–] MarkHughes4096 6 points 1 year ago

My own first name Mark, Firstly it is supposed to be spelled Marc as according to my mother I was named after Marc Bolan but they wrote it with a K on the birth certificate. Secondly it just doesn't feel like it suits me, I have no idea what alternative I would pick though. Maybe I just don't feel comfortable being called by my name no matter what it is :)

[–] MarkHughes4096 1 points 1 year ago

Thanks, I'm indifferent to it.

[–] MarkHughes4096 2 points 1 year ago

Not really a truck guy but I quite like the look of that.

[–] MarkHughes4096 1 points 1 year ago

That's a great example, I was prompted by the Fluke Skywalker stuff going on, But there are plenty of times when people who are famous for something are found to fall short. Then you get this outpouring of grief and disappointment, It happens enough that people should know better really.

[–] MarkHughes4096 18 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I hate that many people idolise other people.

It's possible to like some of the work of somebody without idolising them and blindly listening to or following absolutely everything they do.

[–] MarkHughes4096 1 points 2 years ago

I keep thinking I might get a 1303 at some point, But I have enough projects on right now. Most likely will end up with one eventually though, That or a mini.

[–] MarkHughes4096 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I feel that speaks more to your state of mind than anything the headline writer did... ;)

[–] MarkHughes4096 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Not much, I am in the process of selling so just keeping it all tidy for viewings. So spent the time working on my project cars instead.

My VW T3 project (
submitted 2 years ago by MarkHughes4096 to c/cars

This was another bare shell restoration, I did this one during lockdown.

My T2 project (
submitted 2 years ago by MarkHughes4096 to c/cars

I stripped this to a bare shell and did a LOT of welding then painted it this fine Yellow, A colour I found very hard to paint.

submitted 2 years ago by MarkHughes4096 to c/cars

I have done a lot to this car over the last year, It started with me removing the rear subframe and fuel tank to do some welding. I am now going through every detail so it all works as it should.

I put all new suspension on Tein Flex with adjustable damping and ride height, The paint is Firenza red, As you can see my garage is not big so it's hard to paint cars in there.

There was a post about a lack of posts here so I will post my other two projects as well.


After removing the rear subframe and fuel tank to weld up the jacking points/subframe mount points I have been working on making it look nice, This is a landrover metallic red. Still got the front end bolt-ons to spray like doors, wings, bonnet, bumper etc.

I posted here because I am looking for a project car community and wondered if anyone knows of one or will be starting one :) Thanks.

My T25. (
submitted 2 years ago by MarkHughes4096 to c/vanlife

During the pandemic I stripped this to a bare shell, Welded it and replaced some panels, rebuilt the engine and painted it. Here is the result. I also have a yellow T2 that I did after...

Neither are complete yet but I keep working on them.

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