
joined 2 years ago
[–] Marcbmann 1 points 1 year ago

On Lemmy, absolutely.

And, I mean look at the comments in general. Whenever this topic comes up people call it a non-issue, people say the issue doesn't exist, people say who cares if people are coming over the border, you have people citing studies showing illegal immigrant populations are generally less violent than citizens. People want to justify the relative inaction of Biden. Now, I voted for the man, but this is absolutely disgusting.

Now he's claiming he doesn't have authority to act. I'm sorry, but at this point I've seen more than enough in the way of arguments for the White House already having the necessary powers to secure the border. There has never been a point in Biden's presidency where he did not have the authority to take the necessary action in securing the border.

So yes, I do not believe we should have a wide open border that is a literal free-for-all like we have at this exact moment. I agree, we should be devoting proper resources to screen, process, and take care of the people that want to come into the country. We should be doing this the right way.

[–] Marcbmann 2 points 1 year ago

I can't agree with that. It's only unsustainable because we have a flood of immigrants coming over the border and a catch-and-release program.

And my wife has a PhD, of which she did a year in the US. Not in something useless like poetry, but in meteorology. She did not have the connections to get a US sponsorship from an employer. So without knowing someone, she was without options.

I know immigrants who have found their way into the US legally, and overstayed. They have gone on to become business owners, or successful in their respective fields. The issue with your assumption is that you think we're actually effective at selecting the best and brightest.

The reality is that if we secured our borders, we wouldn't be overwhelmed.

[–] Marcbmann 2 points 1 year ago

I wish I grabbed the ultra. Maybe I still should.

I went from the S8+ to the S21. Night and day difference, obviously. But the S8+ did everything I needed. It was the same size with a better camera and battery.

[–] Marcbmann 0 points 1 year ago

I don't agree. The publisher of the material does not get to dictate what it is used for. What are we protecting at the end of the day and why?

In the case of a textbook, someone worked hard to explain certain materials in a certain way to make the material easily digestible. They produced examples to explain concepts. Reproducing and disseminating that material would be unfair to the author who worked hard to produce it.

But the author does not have jurisdiction over the knowledge gained. They cannot tell the reader that they are forbidden from using the knowledge gained to tutor another person in calculus. That would be absurd.

IP law protects the works of the creator. The author of a calculus textbook did not invent calculus. As such, copyright law does not apply.

[–] Marcbmann 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Then every single student graduating college produces derivative work.

Everything that required the underlying knowledge gained from the textbooks studied, or research papers read, is derivative work.

At the core of this, what are we saying? Your machine could only explain calculus because it was provided information from multiple calculus textbooks? Well, that applies to literally everyone.

[–] Marcbmann 7 points 1 year ago (7 children)

While I would like to be in a world where knowledge is free, this is apples and oranges.

OpenAI can purchase a textbook and read it. If their AI uses the knowledge gained to explain maths to an individual, without reproducing the original material, then there's no issue.

The difference is the student in your example didn't buy their textbook. Someone else bought it and reproduced the original for others to study from.

If OpenAI was pirating textbooks, that would be a wholly separate issue.

[–] Marcbmann 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You should try paraxanthine. One of the chemicals caffeine is metabolized into after consumption. It's a much smoother kick, and in general feels better than caffeine.

[–] Marcbmann 2 points 1 year ago (5 children)

You should look at what the requirements look like for an immigrant Visa. The average person in South America does not have the ability to satisfy those requirements. But that doesn't mean they are unable to become a valuable and contributing member of society.

I know people in the US that came here illegally and have gone on to become business owners. But only because they were able to meet and marry a US citizen.

There needs to be a legal path to entry. And we should be stopping the flood of people coming over the border at the same time.

[–] Marcbmann 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Here's the thing. My wife originally came to the US on a tourist visa. She went through a long process to get that visa. I am concerned by the idea of people walking into the country without any screening whatsoever.

I believe the majority of these immigrants are fine people. But with poverty comes crime, often out of necessity. And when these individuals enter the country illegally, it means they don't have working papers. Depending on where they go, they won't have driver's licenses or insurance. They likely won't have health insurance. Many won't be paying taxes out of fear of deportation, and because they can get away with it. I'm not generalizing here - I have known many good people in this exact situation, and I know the challenges that come with being undocumented.

My wife would tell you that she's concerned with who may be coming over that border. I am concerned about what comes with a flood of persons who are destined to be stuck in the lower class.

These are not unfair or unreasonable concerns. Look at the level of gang violence in Mexico. Nobody else is concerned that these persons can walk into the US without question? Nobody is thinking about what these people will do once here? I didn't even touch on what working conditions look like, or housing, for undocumented immigrants.

The people espousing that the open border is a non issue are living in a fairy tale with no regard for long term implications or the human element of what's happening here

[–] Marcbmann 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Idk what Samsung did on the S21, but it's the first time I've been impressed by the speakers on a phone. The separation of audio channels is wild

[–] Marcbmann 38 points 1 year ago (23 children)

Reproduction of copyrighted material would be breaking the law. Studying it and using it as reference when creating original content is not.

[–] Marcbmann 1 points 1 year ago
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