
joined 2 years ago
[–] Marcbmann 0 points 4 months ago

It wasn't an accident though? It's a large transit van that doesn't have a driver

[–] Marcbmann 3 points 5 months ago

Hackers like to glitch other users. Randomly turn into a toilet, have all of your ammunition disappear, suddenly fly into the air and die on impact. It made public servers unplayable. Friends only sessions were necessary

[–] Marcbmann 8 points 5 months ago

"Actionable insights" is the opposite of these corpo buzzwords.

It's a phrase I use to shut down clients when they ask for something that doesn't have value. Also know as interesting but not actionable. I prioritize my time on finding actionable insights. Data that can drive decisions.

[–] Marcbmann 1 points 5 months ago

This is interesting. It seems a fair resolution would be to pay the content owner what they would have made in ad revenue.

As long as the AI is not reproducing original works to the extent that it violates fair use, I don't think copyright laws really apply. But there's definitely lost revenue.

[–] Marcbmann 1 points 5 months ago

While I am generally in the "copyright doesn't matter when it comes to AI" camp, I also work in advertising. Most people do not use ad blockers.

This is an interesting point that I haven't previously considered.

[–] Marcbmann 1 points 7 months ago

That was how I learned Boston has no good breakfast spots.

Also the hotel only served breakfast on certain days of the week? What the fuck is that about. But they gave me a free glass of wine when I got back to the hotel one night.

[–] Marcbmann 29 points 8 months ago (8 children)

The people here are either delusional or trying to convince themselves they didn't see a disaster of a debate.

"So he didn't somersault onto stage" That... That's not the issue here

[–] Marcbmann 18 points 8 months ago

You are kinda missing the point.

It's not about how energy efficient or inefficient a single ChatGPT prompt is.

It's that A/C is arguably more important to an individual than your ability to use AI. But while the government asking people to reduce AC usage is not new, AI is.

So we're introducing new and unnecessary ways to draw power while asking people to tolerate higher temperatures within their homes.

My personal take is that we should be investing in nuclear power so we continue evolving as a society. But I guess we can hold back progress in the name of puttering along with other technology as the world slowly burns and people cook inside their homes

[–] Marcbmann 1 points 9 months ago

Yeah this was taught when I was in school, but up north

[–] Marcbmann 3 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Yeah who is Elon? I've never heard of him or SpaceX or Tesla. I guess this Musk guy will die in obscurity. Too bad he didn't publish a paper.

[–] Marcbmann 5 points 9 months ago

Ah, Zicam. I'll never understand how shit like that is allowed to make claims

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