I finally bit the bullet and upgraded to a 3060ti. I'll move the 1070 into a different PC.
I just upgraded from a 1070 to a 3060ti. The numbers definitely did not justify a 4060ti.
Yeah it's a weird position to be in. I'll be paying for the service but pirating the few shows I watch.
I think some of their songs are Beatle-esque - e.g. "Don't Look Back in Anger."
Yeah, I was seeing it 10+ years ago in Chicago.
I think they were only supposed to be up for a limited window and they were near the end of their scheduled time.
I could get on board with this. Both were amazing at their best and pretty mediocre at their worst. I'd love to see what Carpenter could have done with some bigger budgets. Although maybe the results wouldn't have been as good. He seems like the sort of director where necessity breeds invention.
I'm not sure that's true. I think they're much more likely to be mainline evangelicals or Baptists (like the SBC) - more the dominionist types.
When I first saw this picture 20 years ago it had less jpeg.
The average person is of average intelligence.