How did you read Watchmen without pictures?
Not sure it rises to the level of "cool."
Well since it's not happening until 2028, people will have plenty of forewarning.
They're upset about all the unused embryos that the IVF process usually creates.
Brother, have I got a solution for you!
Of course it is.
I lived in Boston and some of its suburbs for 14 years during and after college. I think Boston has the best townie bars in the country. Some of my best bar memories are hanging out with friends who'd lived in the area their whole lives.
I'm subbed to r/horrorlit and keep wondering if I'm taking crazy pills because it feels like 30% of the posts are some variation of "What's the scariest/best horror book you've read?" They reword it or give it a slightly different spin but it's essentially the same question over and over. And then of course the responses are always the same 40 books being mentioned repeatedly. I don't understand why anyone who's been on the sub for more than a month would keep upvoting the same question.
I made the transition to Linux Mint at the beginning of the year. I just booted into Windows the other day and saw that it had been six weeks since the last time.
We must. We must. We must increase our bust. The boys will like us better if we wear a tighter sweater.