
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 46 minutes ago

Mini Motor Racing might be a good match. It has some DLC available (additional cars), but none of it is necessary to enjoy the game.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

MineTest is an open source game engine that allows running various open source Minecraft clones.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

Tennant called transgender critics “a tiny bunch of little whinging f*ckers who are on the wrong side of history, and they’ll all go away soon.”

Is the real headline here. And good for him.

I'd rather not give what's her name any more attention over this crap.

Also, calling Tennant a "Harry Potter actor", while true, feels like a calculated insult to a man who has played Doctor Who, The Purple Man, and Crawley.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago

The approach I've seen most is using semantic versioning for releases, and having a continuously upward counting (not bothering to reset) build number for everything in between.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago

Yeah. I've had mentors regail me of other tools they used alongside 'Ed', but I wasn't listening very attentively. Hopefully that's something that can be dug out of the history of the Internet.

I would definitely choose the old reliable stuff over something new and fancy, if I had this use case.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

Would you trust this "wallet" tho lol

Hell no. I just kicked Google out of my life for the same crap. Ugh. But I'll laugh too, because it's either that or cry.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

I wouldn’t trust them as a lone voice on something, but if other groups come to the same conclusion, sure.

As a Privacy nerd, I agree with the conclusions in the article, for what it's worth. We do see a lot of "privacy" law proposals lately that are anything but.

I don't think things will get better, on this front, until the average person better understands privacy rights and risks.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

I can't say I'm shocked. But I am disappointed.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 hours ago

You're not alone in that.

I also reread your comments sometimes with a deep sense is satisfaction.

(I'm kidding. Although I did check your comment history to make sure you weren't a monster before even making that joke.)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

True. I don't post the license prominently, but my comments are Creative Commons, Attribution, Share Alike

Okay, I'm actually kidding about misunderstanding which bit of my comment your reply was to.

Yes, it's great that MineTest is open source! And the mod community is impressive.

[–] [email protected] 43 points 10 hours ago (4 children)

My comments are pure Internet gold. I'm actually only here to read my own comments. It helps me remember how brilliant and humble I am.

My posts help people discover MineTest. It's pretty great, and it's free.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 15 hours ago

Oof. I had one do that a few times. I was shocked because that particular kid had great bladder control, generally. It sure seemed calculated.

In his case, the second time it happened, I realized he had been waiting to get out of a full diaper, because he knew peeing then would soak his clothes.

And once the diaoer was off, I think he wanted to pee quick before the next diaper went on, because he didn't like the feeling of a wet diaper, and he knew I wouldn't check it for a bit right after a change.

It gave me some comfort to realize he wasn't just being obnoxious on purpose. He was just trying to solve a rare problem in his own clever way with the few options he had.

I ended up switching to diapers with the color change stripe, which I think helped him relax about peeing in the diaper, knowing I would notice the full diaper sooner. Once he understood the change, I recall that stopped happening.

Of course another change was I got quick with the spare diaper cover, for him.

With every other kid, they just peed randomly, so I was always careful with that spare diaper. The only reason this guy nailed me a couple times was that he had great bladder control, other than in that rare situation.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Since I couldn't find it, here's a bare minimum guide to starting using the Pipeworks mod.

This recipe builds a trivial item sorter.

Mods you need:

  • Pipeworks
  • Mesecon
  • I3 Inventory (optional, strongly recommend)

Resources you need (if building this in survival):

  • 24 wood planks for 4 chests
  • a lot of leaves (for plastic for tubes and for the injector)
  • a lot of mese Crystals (for the injector and the sorting tube segment and the blinky plant)
  • 3 saplings (for the blinky plant)
  • 2 iron for the injector

To build the parts - look up the part recipes in I3 Inventory, or the MineTest wiki.

The Build:

In this order, place, on flat ground, in a straight line:

  • A chest
  • A stack wise filter injector
  • A pneumatic tube segment
  • A sorting pneumatic tube segment
  • A final chest

Now place the last two chests on the ground on either side of the 'sorting pneumatic tube segment'.

Now place a 'blinky plant' beside the 'stackwise filter injector', to get it running. Yes, it must be a blinky plant.

Now throw some crap in the first chest and watch it get moved randomly to the other 3 chests.

Now, grab an item you want sorted, say 'dirt block'. Left click on the 'sorting pneumatic tube segment'. Put the dirt block next to one of the colors. Put more dirt blocks into the first chest.

Watch the dirt blocks follow the color you chose.

Repeat with more item types.

Now your inventory is sorted, kind of.

Finally, add additional chests and sorting tube segments, as needed, to suit your personal play style.

Edit: Of course now I found a decent wiki page that has more detail, so I put that in the URL.

PSA - MineTest on SteamDeck (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

MineTest on a SteamDeck is so fun, y'all.

(Edit: MineTest is a free and open source game engine that started as a clone of Minecraft, and has grown to be that, and much more.)

I would have tried it sooner, if someone had mentioned it to me, so I'm mentioning it to you.

Edit: Disclaimer, I'm not the author of this blog. It's the walkthrough I followed to start playing.

Newbie Lessons (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here's things I learned, so far, as a new player of Minetest. I'm new at this, so I'll gladly update this post with any corrections.

  • Mineclone2 is a great place to just start playing!
  • When confident enough to choose my own plugins, I switched back to MineGame/default, for the bigger library of available plugins.
  • Mesecons is redstone, but looks way nicer. Insulated wires alone look like a huge sanity saver.
  • The world is dramatically taller and deeper, so you're going to want a teleporter or elevator plugin. I found Travelnet a practical option.
  • if you're coming from Java edition Minecraft, you may be pleasantly surprised how much faster, lighter and more efficient Mineclone is.
  • The hang glider plugin is a giggle and a half.
  • Building a Cotton farm was a quicker path to beds and hang gliders, for me, than searching for sheep.
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