
joined 1 year ago
[–] MajinBlayze 1 points 3 weeks ago

There are only two system partitions, you might only have to make the change twice

[–] MajinBlayze 10 points 3 weeks ago
[–] MajinBlayze 3 points 3 weeks ago

It's surprisingly unreliable. We have had frequent issues (once every two weeks or so), with peripherals suddenly stopping to work for no apparent reason, or the system being slowed waaaay down. Turning it off and on again worked most of the time, but that is not something I expected from a Linux-based machine.

I think this might be an issue with the official dock. I've got a third party dock that's a lot more stable. The biggest problem I have here is that the port not being thunderbolt or usb-4 limits your dock options a lot

[–] MajinBlayze 12 points 1 month ago
[–] MajinBlayze 2 points 1 month ago

But hey, at least Juneteenth is a federal holiday now

[–] MajinBlayze 26 points 1 month ago (3 children)

It's almost like "the people" are part of what people mean when they talk about "saving the planet"

[–] MajinBlayze 2 points 1 month ago

That makes more sense

[–] MajinBlayze 6 points 1 month ago (2 children)
[–] MajinBlayze 36 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)
[–] MajinBlayze 16 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (6 children)

Probably worth noting that this bot uses LSA and, at least as I understand it, is quite different from gpts and the current wave of "AI" as discussed in this article.

[–] MajinBlayze 15 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Who needs a personality when you've got guns

[–] MajinBlayze 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Does/could this support HDR on plasma 6?

Edit, yes, it does.

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