I thought they did that at the start of the year
If you want to hate them more, there were cases of wikis moving off the site and fandom just deciding to restore the content after the maintainers deleted it, claiming everything written on the site is their property. Absolute shithole and I refuse to use it if there are alternatives.
That is not whatsoever how AI art works. It's not a fucking LLM. It takes random noise and adjusts it to gradually match the prompt.
I haven't heard anything my neoghbours do other than occasional drilling and I live in an apartment building with ~40 parties.
Just don't build shitty houses
It's not hard to interpret it as "russia in 1917 was awesome, actually". The message wouldve come across far better just using an alt history US election or something imo. Like, it's extremely clear the comic is satirizing americans calling everything communist and saying communism is inherently evil, but doing that by applying these talking points to 1917 russia isn't helping in making it not seem like it comes from a tankie, on a platform that has a ton of those. Especially when you don't recognize everything as a democratic talking point because why the fuck would you when you're not american.
Thefuck are you on about. I take just as much issue with chinas genocide, I just take less issue with my own (and other) governments' handling of said genocide. For one Israel is getting active support while china has frosty trade relations, but also the balance of power would allow both the EU and US to pressure Israel into stopping, which they can't just do with china because china is a global superpower. I still kinda think they should but we all know citizens will cry about any QoL loss they might experience as a result, and that is reasonably something governments have to consider.
Now I'm wondering if the AfD plays Rammstein's Deutschland...
I felt worse after both the covid and the flu vaccine than i did from getting actual covid, but actual covid lasted longer. It varies a lot by person afaik. Not sure if it's an indicator of how strong ones immune system is or anything.
From what I've seen you have crossdressers self identifying as trap (a subgroup of all crossdressers and I could see how the term would be offensive to the rest as well) on one side and people that are unaware that group exists and think trap is exclusively a derogatory term for trans ppl (or think enjoying crossdressing MUST mean you're trans) on the other.
It's a whole mess as any offensive language tends to be, because words rarely ever only have one meaning and there's also more than one language in the world but terms still cross from one language into others.
Honestly as long as you're trying to be considerate of others I don't think anyone can fault you, and that goes for everything. People will try to speak for everyone, but even when they do speak for the majority there are usually exceptions.
That's A/76/460, which the person you're replying to did not mention, and which had the abstains and votes against because of the political context, aka being proposed by russia while they were leading an offensive war under the pretense of denazification. You know that's public information too, right?
Think of an alternative scenario, not transportation but rather duplication. The original stays where it was, but a copy gets created elsewhere. To the copy, it will seem as if it got transported there. To the original, nothing will have happened.
Now you kill the original.
The only difference is the timing of ending the original.