joined 1 year ago
[–] LwL 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

"I see" actually. "To see" would be videre.

This is one of like 20 things i remember from 4 years of latin in school.

[–] LwL 9 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Maybe there's some advantage even because for the ones I've used a lot i know at a glance which part of steam they're in, which wouldn't be as easy if the only difference was the text. And each part of steam is usually internally consistent, at least mostly.

[–] LwL 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Zinsen machen das ganze dann doch noch etwas schneller (selbst 3% verdreifachen über 40 jahre das geld, und viel steuern drauf zahlen tut man ja nicht), aber ja. Ich weiß nicht, was man für unrealistische standards haben muss, um zu behaupten, dass 1 millionen Euro gar nicht so viel wären. Klar ist man dann nicht stinkreich, aber selbst vielen weniger verdienenden in Deutschland geht es noch besser als einem Großteil der Weltbevölkerung, und Millionäre sind da nochmal krass drüber (klar waren sie das vielleicht nicht immer, das baut sich ja auf, aber die allermeisten kommen nie auf das level von Sicherheit).

[–] LwL 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Mein Kampf reads like a Trump speech if it was grammatically correct. Same level of coherence, or lack thereof.

[–] LwL 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

If only this was true, but for some reason midnight is 12 am. And noon is 12 pm (I'm aware that the reason is that 12:00:00.00001 is in the second half of the day. I just think it should be called 0 pm).

[–] LwL 1 points 1 week ago

I have literally not seen a bad community note on twitter. Which isn't to say they don't exist, clearly you just see different posts from me. Though ime overall they seem to work better than the sorry excuse for moderation twitter had before, and it's pretty much the only change that piece of shit made that I consider positive. Well that and likes not being public.

[–] LwL 2 points 1 week ago

Ah yea I'm the opposite, I'm always too warm to the point where I'll often be out in a t shirt while most people are wearing jackets over a sweatshirt, so skirts would just be optimal.

It's not even as much of a safety issue for me (since while I'm actually super weak I do not look that way at all), but my social anxiety just won't allow that.

All the best to you to, may you continue to be comfy.

[–] LwL 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Skirts are hella comfortable tho. Super easy to put on too. Would absolutely be my legwear of choice (at least outside of winter) if I could do that without people thinking I'm weird.

[–] LwL 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I really disagree honestly. I think at least attempting yo match local pronunciation, at least when there's no translated name available for the language you're speaking, is just respectful to the people there. I have no issues with someone saying berlin the english way, but I'll always appreciate the attempt to pronounce it german. Ane this goes moreso for places where the typical english pronunciation is just completely off (such as english speakers silencing trailing 'e's and such).

[–] LwL 3 points 1 week ago

Overall I've been routinely surprised that dw seems to be doing far more neutral reporting and investigative journalism regarding israel than the supposedly independent ÖR, where most of what I've seen feels rather biased.

Maybe it really is some internal strife, or maybe DW just employs better journalists sticking to their ethics, or a mix of things.

[–] LwL 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

If it's 0.3 cents (and google seems to agree it is) then it's really not spotify's fault, other than they could increase their prices or you could consider their business model bad.

I'd estimate I listen to around 80 songs a day on average (through youtube music in my case), which comes out to 2400 songs a month. 0.3 cents per song would then be around 7 bucks total. Dunno how much it is in the US but a spotify premium subscription is 11€/month here. If I'm around average (which I would guess I am) that would leave around 4,50€/month for spotify to pay for everything else that the users existence costs.

They seem to currently be making around 10% of their revenue in profits (after being in the red for years afaik). So i guess around 3,40€ of those pay for costs, 1,10€ is profit. If we throw all of that back to the artists, we're not even rounding to the next fraction of a cent.

And even though the ceo makes obscene amounts of money, giving all of that to the artists also won't make a dent.

Voluntary support of creators, through bandcamp or patreon or kofi or whatever (or more classically merch), seems to work for many (and i spend more on that than my yt music subscription). And honestly it will have to be the future (though afaik small artists never made a lot from record sales anyway bc the publisher took most of it). If music streaming gets much more expensive, people will probably just go back to pirating.

Spotify has its issues but paying the artists more is simply not feasible as it stands. Unless it's actually 0.003 cents in which case thats a joke.

[–] LwL 5 points 1 month ago

I have very positive experience with that thing actually. It fixed many a wifi issue for me (interestingly, while also saying it couldn't find the issue. It just fixed it. Probably ran something as part of its diagnostics that happened to also fix the problem)

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