This but P-1 isn't P rank either
Sadly it cannot yet. The engine immediately crashes upon starting it up. Current focus is more on getting Unreal Tournament v436 and Unreal Gold v226 (and Deus Ex whenever it gets some attention) running.
One thing to keep in mind if you're gonna try Deus Ex out with Surreal Engine is that it currently does not have the input system working, due to it being completely different than UT's lol. Lots of functions aren't implemented yet also, so we're pretty much stuck with the intro flyby now :V
I read this while the city intro was playing in my head lmao
(All copy-pasted from what I've written in the linux_gaming subreddit)
This is the same guy who compared Linux to moving to Canada once, had moved away from PC gaming because of "rampant piracy" only to return back to it because he wanted that sweet, sweet pie of the market Valve had ripened, built the shittiest store imaginable, that was initially literally spyware and took 3 years to get a fucking shopping cart feature, did all these shitty exclusives to keep the said store afloat, instead of you know, trying to improve it? The same guy who allowed shitty creepto games into his store only when Steam had banned them (btw does anyone remember that Epic Shit Store was supposed to be a "highly curated store")?
And this is the same company who specifically makes sure Fortnite won't run on Linux because they literally use several anti cheat software, apart from the one they're literally developing themselves, deliberately to NOT make Linux run it (such confidence on their software amirite :V)? The same company who has (hopefully had) a dumbass developer complaining about Steam Deck "not having Fortnite???" and that's "fragmenting his library???".
And there is also the matter of Rocket League, Artstation, Bandcamp, and so many other things.
Epic and Tim Sweeney are the most two-faced scumbags I've ever witnessed in my life, and it still fucking hurts me because I've loved the Unreal series so goddamn much, man.
In fact, I'm more angry at Heroic and Lutris and co. for allowing games to be installed from that store. Epic shouldn't get this amount of work done for them for free.
To simply put: Without GSP firmware, Unreal Tournament 99 (using the fan-made Vulkan support) runs with around 30-40 FPS and without any graphical glitches; whereas with GSP firmware I get almost constant 144 FPS but using it also results in complete lockdowns at random intervals: the attempt in the video took 12 seconds after the game launch to freeze the system. I had another one in 4 seconds, and yet another in around 9 minutes or so.
Fuck Epic indeed.
Honestly having Heroic and co. is like doing their work for them. At least Steam and GOG are supportive of Linux (much less so in the case of GOG but still), not the case with Tim "Linux=Moving to Canada" Sweeney's Epic "We pretend saving the PC gaming ecosystem by bringing in exclusives and other shit" Games
And the relevant Merge Request got merged!
NVK now supports Vulkan 1.1 lesgooooooooo!
No problem at all!
BTW, that should be either “the” or “said”. Not both.
Me when I am not a native English speaker. Should be fixed now, thanks for the heads up!
Have you tried extracting everything in game.gog into the folder where you put the TR1X files? From there you only optionally need to download the music ( and put em to the same folder, and then just run TR1X.
While the explanations are indeed more Windows focused, the advanced installation should cover Linux as well.
desktopd here we goooooooooo
Them going Ooblets-lite on their QA section makes me not wanna give it a shot, even with the Linux port.