
joined 2 years ago
[–] LupertEverett 12 points 1 week ago

I feel like as long as there is money to be gained from it (be it via clicks or whatever), these people will stay.

So you gotta, in video game terms, "hit the boss on its weakpoint".

What also grinds my gears is that one guy in there who ban evaded twice, everyone else knows who they are, yet they still remain on the forums to this day. If that doesn't tell anybody that that site has a serious moderation problem, I don't know what will.

[–] LupertEverett 28 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

This is all entirely Michael's fault because he refuses to have anything resembling of a moderation.

Use adblockers. Never give him any of your precious money. He doesn't deserve a single penny of it.

Edit: Fun fact: Karol also stopped visiting Phoronix forums a fair bit of time ago. GEE, I wonder what caused it to happen?

Edit 2: That particular forum post is now loginwalled LMFAO

[–] LupertEverett 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The Unix Haters Handbook was so real for that rm rant.

[–] LupertEverett 2 points 3 weeks ago

But of course, there is an Emacs command to do that.

Good ol' C-x M-c M-butterfly!

[–] LupertEverett 3 points 1 month ago

I've read this in EmpLemon's voice

[–] LupertEverett 1 points 3 months ago

I haven't tested it but it should work. OldUnreal's patches are backwards compatible.

[–] LupertEverett 2 points 3 months ago

It got delisted, alongside the rest of the Unreal/UT games.

There is a fan made installer and community patches available to download here though:

[–] LupertEverett 5 points 3 months ago

Its a crying shame indeed, but at least they won't prevent people from downloading the entire series from I guess?

[–] LupertEverett 18 points 3 months ago

IIRC it has been 10 years since Tim Sweeney talked about open sourcing UE1. I don't think it is gonna happen anytime soon, sadly.

At least we still have Surreal Engine.

[–] LupertEverett 30 points 3 months ago

Considering the OldUnreal team still has access to the source code for these two games, and develop patches for them to this day, I find it, thankfully, extremely unlikely!


cross-posted from:

So, great news!

Not too long ago, the folks at OldUnreal announced in their Discord server that they got permission from Epic Games to distribute two particular links from to download Unreal Gold and Unreal Tournament.

Now they've published installers for automating the installation process, as well as installing their patches on top of Unreal/UT.

The installers are available to download on the links down below:

Unreal Gold Installer:

Unreal Tournament Installer:

These are Windows only, but Linux and macOS installers are also gonna be released sometime soon, it seems!



So, great news!

Not too long ago, the folks at OldUnreal announced in their Discord server that they got permission from Epic to distribute two particular links from to download Unreal Gold and Unreal Tournament.

Now they've published installers for automating the installation process, as well as installing their patches on top of Unreal/UT.

The installers are available to download on the links down below:

Unreal Gold Installer:

Unreal Tournament Installer:

These are Windows only, but Linux and macOS installers are also gonna be released sometime soon, it seems!


[–] LupertEverett 4 points 4 months ago

The absolute disregard of having any moderation is what does that. If there was any, there wouldn't be the cases like having someone be there by their third account, after the first two got banned.

Not to mention that controversy = angry people and trolls = more clicks = more ad revenue. I don't think Michael wants to miss out on it.

[–] LupertEverett 14 points 5 months ago

The "you wouldn't download a car" statement is made against personal cases of piracy, which got rightfully clowned upon. It obviously doesn't work at all when you use its ridiculousness to defend big ass corporations that tries to profit from so many of the stuff they "downloaded".

Besides, it is not "theft". It is "plagiarism". And I'm glad to see that people that tries to defend these plagiarism machines that are attempted to be humanised and inflated to something they can never be, gets clowned. It warms my heart.


Surreal Engine is an ongoing project to reimplement UE1, mainly focused on Unreal Tournament v436 and Unreal Gold v226 at the moment.

This one has been discussed in the other linux_gaming community before, more than two years ago. Since then there were numerous improvements:

  • It can now run UT99 maps and Unreal Gold botmatch maps (whereas it was limited to only UT before), and boot up onto the intro flyby of Deus Ex.
  • Colission handling is much better (but not perfect yet).
  • Can utilize SDL2 on Linux for windowing and native Wayland support (previously it'd use pure X11, and actually still does if you don't have SDL2 installed).
  • The menus mostly work now.
  • Initial works for the AI (they will move around sometimes, and retaliate if attacked).
  • Game detection system based on the SHA1 sum of the game executable. This allows us to detect many versions of UT and U1/UGold, as well as Deus Ex, Klingon Honor Guard, NERF Arena Blast, and more!
  • A launcher has been added to select the game you want to play on startup. And lots of other improvements!

There is still a lot of work to do to implement everything though, and contributions are always welcome!

Happy 2024 to everyone! (self.krusie_gang)

Hello once again, Krusie sailors!

A new year awaits us! With all its excitements and letdowns and everything in-between, we left 2023 behind. Here is hoping for this year to be much better overall for everyone!

Take care out there!

(P.S. Toby release Chapter 3 pls) :V

- /c/krusie_gang mod team


Thought of giving it a try myself, after seeing the other NVK Gaming videos by the user Reverse Module in this community. Building Linux 6.7 was kind of a pain though... :V

I happen to have an RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU, so I can try things out with and without the GSP firmware. I had tested a game from the 90s (I don't wanna try out heavier games until the driver is more mature) but still, the performance difference is quite visible.

Edit: I edited the video description to include links to the tests made by the user Reverse Module using an RTX 4090M, I feel dumb about not doing this earlier.


Note that I've linked the latest version at the time of writing this (3.0.2), the original 3.0 version with its changelog is available here:

For a quick rundown of things: Tomb Raider (1996) is the very first game of the critically acclaimed Tomb Raider series made by the late Core Design. Its available to buy on Steam and GOG (as a bundle of the first 3 games), with remastered versions of the first 3 games set to release in Feb. 14, 2024

Unlike the rest of the "classics", Tomb Raider 1 was a DOS-only application, which is rather inconvenient to get it working; or it would be if the fans didn't figure out a way to get the TombATI version of the game (a port made for very old ATI cards) working on the modern Windows OSs.

TR1X is made by reverse engineering the aforementioned TombATI version (by employing the methods from a similar project for Tomb Raider 2 named TR2Main, which is also where the previous name Tomb1Main is inspired from), and vastly improves upon it. The changes are far too many to list here, but the highlights include much further drawing distance, TR2+ style controlling for Lara, a New Game+ option, fully customizable gameflow (both for modding and making self imposed challenges), Gold expansion (Unfinished Business) support.


Artist is @TravkaHuyavka on Twitter! Check em out via the source link here:


Artist is @p4kerson on Twitter! Check em out via the source link here:

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by LupertEverett to c/krusie_gang

Greetings from the flipside!

What you're seeing now is basically the krusie_gang subreddit, opening up shop within a Lemmy instance! This one has been in consideration ever since the API news of Reddit has broke in, and I believe this is gonna be an interesting journey! So come along with us, and enjoy your stay!

What? Why?

"A shipping subreddit? A sub-sub-niche is expanding to a different site?" could be going thru your mind right now. And yeah, you'd have a point there. Think of this as some sort of testing the waters, and also doing it for the fun. :V

What's new?

Nothing much. The same mod team (at least the active ones) should continue being the mods, lest they join in. The rules also will stay the same. They worked well on the subreddit, and if it ain't broke...

What do you expect?

Honestly... also nothing much. Don't think one can do a "migration" over night, and our aim is to not to "destroy" or leave the subreddit either. However I feel that having an alternate place just in case something bad goes down is a good idea.

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