It was just on sale and I took advantage of that. Will be playing it next week when my wife is out of town for various appointments. Looking forward to it!
Oha, etwas war besser, aber ich wusste nicht, was, bis ich deinen Beitrag las. Stimmt, so ist es viel angenehmer 🙂
Thank you, I had the same notion as OP. I heard that "something" was up, but could not put my finger on it. Your summary nailed it.
I tried that for quite a while but ultimately gave up. For many (technical or non-English) topics, I found no fitting result of my search on the first page.
I like both. But if I had to pick, it’d be cats.
The reason is that many people around here don’t handle their dogs well. That results in noise (hysterical barks in some cases) and poo landmines you have to watch out for.
Well-trained dogs? Appreciate them. Dogs I personally know? Good boys! Random dogs from the neighborhood? No thanks.
Having owned both, cats and dogs are quite different, and great in their own right. Dogs as a trusty companion, cats as a peculiar room mate.
Great choices. Love Hunt and Rimworld and started Stellaris a short time ago. Love it so far!
Ich bin (noch) kein Vater, mache mir aber dennoch ähnliche Gedanken. Deine Liste finde ich sehr passend. Sie behandelt Themen, bei denen ich mich selbst durch die Schule nicht gut vorbereitet gefühlt habe.
Ich würde sie meinerseits noch um folgendes erweitern: