What I’m seeing online, the leaves should be standing straight up. Any tips on how I should care for these floppy ones? Should I prune them, repot them, or anything?
Ah yes. The things dems can unilaterally provide but chosen not to! Darn those democrats!
If compiled languages bother you, then you’re gonna love assembly.
I feel like any practice with form - male or female - is what you want. Pretty much all traditional art involves form so just follow those, don’t worry about nsfw.
Their response reminds me of a certain fight club quote…
If X is less than the cost of a recall, then we don't recall.
For me it’s: work 15 hours straight with no ability to stop or change focus, or not work for 1 month straight.
Sucks. I wanted billy in jail for purjury and fraud. I wonder what this’ll mean for Karl’s trial
You’ll probably be unhappy to learn that federated comments may never be deleted. The external server has to both listen for the delete request and adhere to it.
Can you imagine how much of a dork you’d look wearing this thing?
“About to correct her”
Good lord. I know people who named their cat “Kitten” and their dog “Puppy” - is he gonna “correct” them, too?
He found a wife but she found a douche.
Who is surprised that stupid IoT implementations are poorly done.
That makes sense, I think he was leaving it outside and we’ve had a lot of rain lately, it’s also been pretty cold.
Thanks for the info!