no. i use firefox
its already the case in the US. you internet provoder watch every of your step. just try download a torrent.
hey j ai encore une 3dfx dans un pc x3 un jour j en aurait 2!.... un jour...
its hurt i pay back in time a gtx titan x .... it was 1000€. for the top of the top. and today the top line is ... way fuking more....
but they say automatic car is the future! (with more lanes) and due to a computer driving its faster! s/
thanks for the name of the place i finaly got the latest master suit:
i am not just a fan i am a regualr user of amiga! ok my a1200 is sadly in BAD condition (case is broken i hope i can aford a new one....)
open my note bla bla bla tankie bla bla bla commie . somthin like that i think. joke asside fediverse ect dont work with algorytme wich mean no one here take your hand and be like : hey look that cool no?. you need search yourself place you like. like... well internet 10 years ago. like on deviant art.
remember teh "super bassine?" 4000 grenade shoot for 3000 person.....
that was fast.