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[–] LeberechtReinhold 6 points 8 months ago (1 children)

It's easier if you don't think it as actual gender, and just as grammar. You have "el televisor" (masculine) and "la tele" o "la tv" (femenine), both meaning "the tv". It's more about how the word ends than anything.

Still, it's something that if someone gets it wrong, it sounds off but everyone still understands. No one is going to care for a foreigner saying that wrong. There's no really a confusion to be had there.

But time/weather can lead to actual misunderstandings.

[–] LeberechtReinhold 7 points 8 months ago (8 children)

In general I think Spanish is a well formed language without (or at least not much) crazy shit.

But I still don't know why we have the same fucking word for weather and time. While using the same word for different meanings is ok, these two are ridiculously common concepts used a lot and it's not hard to get into situations where it's hard to know which is which. Absolutely stupid.

[–] LeberechtReinhold 17 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Men cannot participate in Women competitions but Women can go to Mens. No one is scared of women, and this is done to promote the game to women.

This is the same as with other sports, like Rallying.

[–] LeberechtReinhold 2 points 9 months ago

Well, it worked really well for Andor

[–] LeberechtReinhold 57 points 9 months ago (3 children)

None, in modern context we can work in any base we desire, all that basic stuff got generalized ages ago. No one is going to change computing systems to use babylonian-style. And the trigonometry stuff is the same thing we knew, but discovered earlier than the greeks.

It's a important discovery for sure, especially for our understanding of ancient Mesopotamian cultures, but everything else is the authors and the article going bananas with conclusions.

[–] LeberechtReinhold 21 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Humanity will survive this but everyone will suffer the effects. Even something relatively minor like COVID had great effects to the global economy, but with these we are talking about:

  • Weather inestabilization, with greater storms and massive heat waves.

  • General crop failures in many places of the world.

  • Desertification in many areas.

  • Massive migration waves.

  • Very difficult and unstable economy.

We are starting to see some of this, but 2050 onwards is going to be a very difficult time for all humanity except the most wealthy.

[–] LeberechtReinhold 8 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I don't think Lemmy is more privacy friendly. In fact, its, arguably, even less privacy friendly that others.

[–] LeberechtReinhold 6 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I kind of agree with your points, but I think there has to be a distinction of libs. Most deps should be static IMHO. But something like OpenSSL I can understand if you go with dynamic linking, especially if it's a security critical program.

But for "string parsing library #124" or random "gui lib #35".. Yeah, go with static.

[–] LeberechtReinhold 22 points 10 months ago (8 children)

I have yet to find a memory hungry program thats its caused by its dependencies instead of its data. And frankly the disk space of all libraries is minuscule compared to graphical assets.

You know what's going to really bother the issue? If the program doesn't work because of a dependency. And this happens often across all OSes, searching for these are dime a dozen in forums. "Package managers should just fix all the issues". Until they don't, wrong versions get uploaded, issues compiling them, environment problems, etc etc.

So to me, the idea of efficiency for dynamic linking doesn't really cut it. A bloated program is more efficient that a program that doesn't work.

This is not to say that dynamic linking shouldn't be used. For programs doing any kind of elevation or administration, it's almost always better from a security perspective. But for general user programs? Static all the way.

[–] LeberechtReinhold 4 points 10 months ago

Because they were friends (or at least knew each other).

[–] LeberechtReinhold 9 points 10 months ago (2 children)

There has been many Napoleon projects, starting with the 1927 silent epic. Kubrick researched a long time for his project but never had time to do it. Spielberg is collaborating with HBO to use that script for a miniseries though.

[–] LeberechtReinhold 1 points 11 months ago

It's basically DOS3 with different combat, better dialog mechanics and generally better designed. The way exploration, stealth and general flow is essentially the same as Divinity and will play very much the same way, with some improvements on most areas.

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