🎶Guns don't kill people. I kill people. With guns🎶
Be the sister fucker you want to see in the world. Don't let your memes be dreams.
Could that photo look any more like a corrupt prison warden?
What if I don't look anywhere else online?
I'm just a dolphin mam.
Well you're obviously streets behind.
I thought O2 was higher during the time of the dinosaurs? Maybe that was earlier... I don't remember when the time of the big bugs was.
It's integrated. Only a few things internally are still labeled HGST.
HGST is a part of WD and has been for quite a while.
But a big part of why the average consumer drive kind of sucks is that there is way more money in enterprise level drives so very little resources get put toward client drives.
You won't after 48 hours with nothing to do and no one to talk to for 48 hours.
Well depending on the denomination, it is either seen as literally or figuratively his flesh and blood. Figurative makes a lot more sense: "...do this in the remembrance of me"
Sounds like a good excuse to not give your real information and then run after they help you