This highlights the problem of Thc-a and the inability of the police to judge whether or not it is actual cannabis or not. It could have even been a cbd blunt they were smoking! The police would never know. They even were honest and said what it actually was and where they got it.
Regardless of that, who gives a fuck if they’re smoking outside waiting on the bus??? Just because the officers were driving by and smelled smoke… fucking power tripping pigs need to go fuck each other in the mud.
Just let people consume a natural herb if they want why do they care SO much.
What idiots are downvoting this? The problem isn’t that the bridge is too high. It’s that the people who have suicided there in the past had no access to mental health care. You downvoters are not looking at the root of the problem. You really think all the suicidal people are just gonna magically cure themselves because they installed nets?
The money spent on not only the nets and installing them etc but also the lawmakers that wasted their time coming up with this idea and meeting about it etc etc is ALL a waste of public funds and could have been put to much better use towards the actual problem.
This is just Americans patting themselves on the back pretending they’re doing a good job 👏🏼