Time to make a keeb with clicky and linear, and every single key is a different one
Can I ask the name of this template
shukran jazeelan! Just did 5 of his videos tonight
Arrive on shores of Foreign lands, Find piece of books, find closed doors, find crystals that go into a temple, oh,
Minecraft, Terraria, Rust, Raft, Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Civilization 6, Civilization 5, 4,3,2,1, Humankind, Monster Hunter, Rift Breaker, Dota 2, Tetris, Monopoly (I'm trolling a bit)
Could have gone way worst with years of lies Theranos style
As an Ex-Yuumi player it was unironicly something I did enjoy to calm down, when it was not just stay afk on your ADC. I used to Chill mute everyone and play Yuumi Top, just farming and blocking golds from top tower for ennemy TOP
And I am full serious not joking, it was chill and a viable strategy
I wonder as on my COLEMAK keeb, the computer thinks it's a QWERTY, it's the software that sends info to the computer that rearranged the keys, so my computer knows that I'm using a QWERTY, and if the AI checked what keyboard I use in the system that's what it would see