i've since made a more professional e-mail, but everything remotely to do with personal stuff uses the adress i made when i was 10.
it did warn him to be fair. he had to type out "yes, do as i say", which is a HUGE red flag. even to me, a farely casual windows user.
android is based on a modified linux kernel, but boesn't have much else in common.
i think chromebooks don't get counted as linux, i may be wrong though
i wish that still existed, there's conversions for some modern cars, but it has basically vanished.
welp, gotta stock up on spare parts for my little nugget i guess...
My FP4 was affected by the "ghost touch" hardware bug, i ended up getting a replacement screen after contacting support. (it never fully went away, it has a few spasms every once in a while)
also the crashing while connected to 5G put me in a few pickles. sometimes when receiving a call while watching youtube the call's notification bubble will take up to 5 seconds to appear at all.
it seems to also ocasionally forget that it has a SIM card installed, though that sim has been in use for 10+ years, so i can't say if that's the Fairphones's fault.
i feel you, the fairphone 4 works well enough for me though. a lot of software/hardware bugs are yet to be ironed out fully, but fairphones are steadily getting better.
although the 6th gen needs to improve a lot, the 5's launch was disappointing to say the least.
unrelated, but my dad's iphone SE (1st gen) used to almost burn the house to the ground when playing hill climb racing.
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
not an exact fit, but i think about that sentence often
i love how in the german version of her wikipedia article her being trans is just a stone cold footnote at the bottom of the first section.
like "oh yeah, i guess she's trans too"
i'm using it at my desk where i have one USB-DAC for my speakers and one for my headphones connected to my PC.
that means i have to switch my monitor from DP to HDMI every time i want to play a game (using samsung's nipple tech), as well as either running my speakers through a splitter cable hooked up the wrong way to get PC and switch audio, or have the switch on my speakers while having the PC on headphones.
way too much hassle, plus i can lose my cursor on the right screen where the switch is, as well as having to blindly drag apps from there as they start. plus i completely miss incoming desktop messages.
and yes, i watch youtube while playing games. that's why i need PC audio.
like the US military. most of their mission critical stuff has been running for 20 years that way.
if only there were an operating system that could update without shutting down.