The one German Astronaut: Stoßlüften!!!
It isn't just about the military. I've not read the article, but Germany suffers from not having enough people working in social services. This problem got worse after getting rid of conscription. You could either choose military service or social work.
By reintroducing it, they hope to fill in some gaps.
Thank you for the chuckle.
Zach from Extra Fabulous Comics is an absolute legend.
Someone hacked their university information display panels to play it instead of timetabling data all over the campus.
When I moved country, I needed a medical checkup. The doctor noted I had 3rd degree burns on the roof of my mouth.
Apparently my love of baked beans on toast has had dire consequences.
Baked beans
And the white grey slabs under the window on the right 😭
Ghosts of Tabor has been great
Hail the moon maiden
Please don't cut the authors mark. It is by Zach from Extra Fabulous Comics, in case anyone wanted to know.