If you've got a sump pump, check that it's in good condition. It's not a bad idea to have a backup pump and back up power.
When I replaced my last water heater I used dielectric couplings to slow corrosion. I took out the anode rod 5 years later and it looked almost new. It seems like the couplings work, and they seem like a good idea for any new water heater. Just make sure you bond the inlet and outlet lines if your code requires it.
I also use other engines before I go to Google, and if I end up at Google, I find that the generated content degrades Google's results too. The junk is everywhere.
Eh, I don't have any specific advice, but the concept of an object and object oriented programming is distinct from classes. You can do OOP in any language. It's just the notion of having specific operations for a type of data and some level of private vs public access. In languages that aren't geared toward that, you need to do most of that stuff yourself.
As a small example regarding methods, in C++, say you had a class that you wanted to have a print method. You make class A and define A.print. Then you can do A a = A(123, 456); a.print()
In C, you use a struct to hold the data, and you define a free function print_A(struct A a)
, and then call print_A(a)
. Other than a small syntactic difference, there's little difference between writing a.print()
vs print_A(a)
You can arrange the definitions in the headers and C files so that you get something similar to private and public data and functions.
There are similar things for polymorphism, overloading, etc.
This post links to a book that goes into detail about how to really closely replicate C++ style programming in C. I personally don't think it's a good way to program in C, but I do think it's instructive. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/351733/how-would-one-write-object-oriented-code-in-c#351756
I haven't extensively used GTK, but I find that it is a nice C style implementation of object oriented programming, and maybe you could poke around with that to see how they do things.
That's nice to know. There's also "reader mode" built right into Firefox.
On Firefox, usually reader mode ignores paywalls. It is also nice for showing pages in a standard format, ignoring the styles of the site, which is nice for sites with crap layouts.
The maximum value of this is 1 and the smallest value is 0. As written, if every person upvoted a post, it would be 1, but not controversial, so that wouldn't work. Say you slightly modified it and used downvotes / total votes, at first glance it seems sensible because then if everyone upvoted, you get 0, indicating that it's not at all controversial, a sensible result. But if everyone downvotes it, you get 1, indicating maximum controversy, but there was no controversy. Everyone agreed it was bad.
With variance, if something is unanimously liked or disliked the variance is 0. If it's split 50/50, the variance is greatest. You want something to adjust for the sample size, so you could use variance * total votes. It is similar, if not identical, to a binomial distribution.
It will remove the ability to change the "show system files" setting in a GUI, and now you need to edit the registry? Why are people using Windows 11? It seems like a PITA.
Something is controversial if there is a variety of opinions. You can use the variance to quantity that. In this case, it's just upvotes and downvotes so maybe there's a simpler way to calculate variance for that case.
The guy was a lifelong democrat and then switched parties just before running. I can't believe people think he's anything but a con man.
Windows 10 is full of junk. If you search GutHub for Windows debloater there are some scripts to make it a bit better, but 4 GB is not much for Win 10. You probably want to pick and choose what the scripts do rather than run them indiscriminately.
4 GB of RAM costs $20. You could probably add more.