
joined 1 year ago
[–] KeraKali 62 points 11 hours ago (2 children)

I fucking despise this and have sent it to several of my friends at light speed.

[–] KeraKali 25 points 5 days ago

This isn't a report, its just a statement that 85 percent of organizations think AI will cause job loss, along with other things like a new form of slavery and a war between AI and robots.

[–] KeraKali 10 points 1 week ago

I don't like this... but it checks out.

[–] KeraKali 11 points 1 week ago

When can we make this law?

[–] KeraKali 2 points 2 weeks ago

I'm aware of a program called Stardock Multiplicity (virtual KVM software) that allows for a hotkey to switch the cursor between displays. That program isn't free and I'm not sure if the alternatives that are have the same feature. Might be something to look into though.

[–] KeraKali 124 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

"According to US media, the post was made by a now-deleted account that regularly trolls the social media pages of the New York court system."

Hopefully this is true and nothing comes of it.

[–] KeraKali 2 points 1 month ago

Love how he's basically saying they ignored important information because they thought the family was lying and gave the worst apology I've ever heard that amounts to "sucks to be you."

[–] KeraKali 8 points 1 month ago

I guess the critics were right: crypto is used for supporting criminal activities.

[–] KeraKali 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Why do you think you should feel bad for them passing? Is it because they were responsible for your birth, because a life will cease to exist? There may be different reason why you think you should feel sad, but they only matter if it's something that matters to you specifically.

The relief you feel for them about to die is genuine and given your description, nobody could blame you for having those feelings either.

Most likely you're feeling a mix of both but feel more strongly about them passing than you feeling sad for someone dying. There's nothing wrong with that.

[–] KeraKali 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


All seven people in that car were murdered by the Israeli army and then they killed the first responders trying to help them.

Wonderful reporting, CNN

[–] KeraKali 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Pricing appropriately doesn't mean making water so expensive that ordinary people have to rely on rainwater and government welfare programs to meet their basic needs.

It means that everyone gets what they need by making the rich conpanies and wealthy politicians pay for their greed.

[–] KeraKali 33 points 3 months ago (7 children)
Quick moth sketch (
submitted 3 months ago by KeraKali to c/artshare

Took some time to find an angle/twist that worked but after getting it nailed down it was easy.


My everything was sore when i got back because I'm out of shape but it was worth it. Had some oatmeal after setting everything up and enjoyed myself.

Jule (
submitted 4 months ago by KeraKali to c/196
Rule (
submitted 5 months ago by KeraKali to c/196
Progress update: I'm a thief (self.edmproduction)
submitted 7 months ago by KeraKali to c/edmproduction

Working on coming up with melodies and using the Beat/Bassline tool in LMMS to partner up with that. Thought I just came up with a pretty neat melody before realizing I basically copied C'mon by Tiesto and Diplo almosy exactly... because I was listening to it in the shower and subconsciously remade it.

Going to try and focus on even more basics of production rather than try to make something unique right off the bat. That will let me get the fundamentals sorted out before worrying about creativity and unique sounds.

Just learning here (self.edmproduction)
submitted 7 months ago by KeraKali to c/edmproduction

Just started hyperfixating on making EDM music, and the only music knowledge I have is from playing violin for one year in fourth grade. Seeing the potential for what can be made using a few tools and samples is exciting but not knowing what I'm doing means I have a long ways to go before I can create a full song I'm proud of. So far I have found a couple things of use:

For software, LMMS is a free and open-source DAW with many samples and some interesting plug-ins included with it. I also found Surge synthesizer but haven't had the chance to download or test it yet. I don't really know how to use one properly but I've found some good sources for learning.

Knowledge: EDMTips and EDMProd have a lot of articles that I'm reading through, some of which are aimed at absolute beginners. Very helpful. I also found Learn Synth from Abelton which breaks down all the common parts of a synth in a way that's easy for me to understand and experiment with.

If there's any further advice people could give I'd appreciate that. If this community seems dead then I guess I'll use it as a place to track my progress.

Rule (
submitted 11 months ago by KeraKali to c/196
Rule (
submitted 1 year ago by KeraKali to c/196
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