I guess there wasn't really question there so, how do I fix that?
Where I live Joann Fabrics went out of business and a Spirit took it's place.
I only see one guy against divorce and they're heavily down voted.
And so many modern games take half an hour just to get through the intro. I don't have time for that, I'll just play PS2 era games again.
We'll just go 12 feet under
Middle aged: Don't bother upgrading, you know you won't use it. Mediocre PC - No free time
Is this a cock block joke?
Oh. I guess I thought it would be funnier.
I'd like to see you're wife's version of this post.
I hope there's an Arby's crew working on their bail right now.
which has the potential each and everyday to ruin it all for them (which is a compulsive intrusive thought in my mind). But I hang on, I try to.>
Are you fighting the urge to off yourself or the urge to off your family? In either case I hope you're finding adequate support/therapy, if not ask for help here. Hopefully your state or country has resources available.
I wonder if I accidentally turned the alarm off when I was checking...