
joined 7 months ago
[–] Kcap 6 points 4 days ago

A domino's employee told me to use coupon code 9193 at checkout, he said it's the best one that all the employees use. Hope it helps y'all 🤷

[–] Kcap 11 points 4 weeks ago

I was watching the freak outs on Twitter last night and being like, if the 'feds' were really coming to shut you down, you'd be off the air already or we'd see it go down. He probably got a letter or something saying it's a possibility and everything else was over exaggerated and in his head.

[–] Kcap 23 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Joshua Weissman over here. Dude just became repetitive childish annoying memes. Papa needs to shut the fuck up and just cook.

[–] Kcap 10 points 1 month ago

I live in San Diego and go to Mexico often, and this story has made me so sad to see. I was just in Ensenada last month, and it's such a beautiful city and we enjoyed our trip exploring great food and taking in music. Unfortunately, stories like this from a couple bad actors will dissuade thousands from experiencing a great place. It's a damn shame and it's hard to swallow that this could've been me and my friends who were the unlucky ones. I feel for their families so hard in all of this.

[–] Kcap 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

My guess is it's probably not extremists per se, but rather corporations that are scared of offending anyone and being the focus of the internet's bad or uproar of the day. I will say though, at my last company, the younger generation was pushing all this stuff super hard. While I agree with plenty of the general purpose stuff, I'm like, can't we just do our jobs and not sit in meetings all day about what our job is supposed to be?

[–] Kcap 4 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Note to self: sell laptop on Facebook marketplace in September 2025

[–] Kcap 26 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Went to my normally favorite bar today and they updated their tipping button recommendations to "20%", "69%", and "100%". The 69% was the default option which while I know they're memeing, seemed really uncool as I nearly clicked approve without noticing.

[–] Kcap 1 points 4 months ago

To be fair, calling San Francisco's public transportation 'excellent' isn't something I can agree with after living there for over a decade haha. But it is better than nothing 🤷

[–] Kcap 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Did you go to Summer Heights High?

[–] Kcap 7 points 5 months ago

A couple of drops of chili oil atop this and I'd house it. Well done on the egg, it's the worst when a ramen place puts a hard boiled egg in there instead of a jammy one. Job well done!

[–] Kcap 6 points 5 months ago

Just giving "Shrimpdick McGee" it's day in court.

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