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[–] Kaiyoto 6 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I grew up using this word all the time. It's just one of the dumb words we said all the time. I only found out within the last couple of years that it's considered a slur. Idk, I feel most people who are actually considered retarded and are competent enough to understand don't actually care. But the reality is that any sort of "name calling" isn't necessary. I grew up with a culture of all sorts of name calling, but just because I grew up with doesn't mean it's right.

But ultimately, language and the world changes and it's just not acceptable to say anymore because it is derogatory towards a particular group.

[–] Kaiyoto 2 points 2 weeks ago

I few months back I had to shut off all of my sources of news because all the Palestinian horror stories were fucking with my head. I wanted to in touch with what is happening in the world but it was all too much.

I have to agree with the post on being "properly bored" too. I've been dealing with general burnout too and spending time doing nothing and getting lost in my own head has done wonders.

[–] Kaiyoto 2 points 2 weeks ago

Obligatory, "don't fuck with garage door motors!" The spring is under tension and people have died messing with them.

[–] Kaiyoto 4 points 2 weeks ago

I was there not too long ago. That's wild that before that, the area was just farm land with no special meaning.

[–] Kaiyoto 12 points 2 weeks ago

He's beautiful! Reminds me of the black cat I had.

[–] Kaiyoto 3 points 2 weeks ago

I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I've got a sister that blows up once in a while and has a lot of mental issues. We grew up with my mom being mentally and emotionally abusive. My sister ended hard getting into drugs and alcohol for a while, spent some time in jail, got bailed out a couple of times. When I started feeling scared after she showed up at my house, drugged out of her mind, and threatened to kick my ass. I went no contact with her.

There was nothing that any of my family could say to her to get her to stop. She is one of those people who has to learn the hard way. Eventually I started talking to her again when she stopped with the drugs and alcohol (she still smokes pot but it doesn't cause issues other than not affording to pay her bills). She doesn't make any effort to apply herself or make any real improvements in her life. I've talked with her a lot about improving her self Esteem and doing tiny things to get out of a vicious cycle of depression. I'll follow up with her and ask if she did any of it and she'll say no. She's taken medication for her depression and whatever other issues she has, but she'll stop taking it. She won't see a therapist because she is paranoid that idk they'll call the cops or tell the government something about her. (My mother was psycho paranoid the same way.)

I'm not entirely sure what got her out of the drugs and alcohol. But at some point she decided to stop, then she had a baby and that's been her primary motivation for staying clean at least. She recently checked herself into a psych ward after a blow up with her husband and child and she became suicidal. She's convinced she isn't worth anything and is just a fuck up.

But I guess the point I'm making is that people have to choose to change. My sister will have to choose to make changes in her thinking if she wants to be happy and functional, just like she chose to stop drugs and alcohol. The best thing is probably go no contact. Some people will use that as a sign that they need to stop and figure their shit out or get help. It wouldn't hurt to tell him you care about him, that you hope for the best for him, that you wish him a good life (maybe by mail is best). That's if you still do. Maybe those words will stick with him.

[–] Kaiyoto 23 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Keyboarding class. I actually thought they were teaching how to play the keyboard. Oh boy was I disappointed. But yeah, now I can type ungodly fast.

[–] Kaiyoto 24 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I remember working in fast food and almost nobody ever thought to clean the nozzles or clean out the ice bin.

There is probably a ton of mold inside where the ice is kept.

[–] Kaiyoto 1 points 2 weeks ago

Myself and others in my family have owned Hyundai and Toyotas and they did well or seem to be doing well. I had a Hyundai Tiburon that yeah I had to do some repairs around 200k (I think I had to replace the alternator and something else) but last I heard it was still going strong. I did have essentially redo all of the suspension because the salt mix that was use locally slowly destroyed it.

Recently I've come to know some people who have Chevrolet SUVs from the 2010s and they seem to do alright at least to the 150k mark.

I would love to own another Hyundai myself.

[–] Kaiyoto 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

If it makes you feel any better he'll be the one that gets slapped with malpractice if he fucks up. He's inherently accepting a certain amount of liability as a doctor.

The other thing that comes to mind is he is trained specifically in his field to diagnose and treat. As a nurse you are trained to do what you do best.

That doesn't give him a right to be on his phone all the time and be a dipshit. Eventually, that will have consequences of some sort. Currently he's receiving less respect and earning a shitty reputation. That might come to bite him in the ass some day. Him being lax may come out in his work and bite him in the ass too at some point.

But I understand your frustration. I've got shitty managers who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and I constantly question how they got and are keeping their jobs.

[–] Kaiyoto 12 points 2 weeks ago

Learn how to learn. Having the ability to look up things on the internet, watch YouTube videos, go to the library and find books, ask people for help and even show you how to do something. Most people are willing to teach others if you're willing to learn.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend it unless you feel comfortable with it but sometimes money is tight and it's easier just to replace that 10$ part rather than call a repair guy. I've looked up how to replace a part on a water heater on the internet because it was cheap at Lowes and I didn't want to pay weekends rates for the plumber.

Also learn how to do basic things like learn how to change the oil on your car, replace your belts and change a tire. You'll save some money and feel good about being able to do these little things. Look for tools at yard sales and pawn shops if you don't have a lot to spend on tools.

[–] Kaiyoto 6 points 2 weeks ago

This for sure! I never understood the power of a 401k being a tax shelter and the power of employer matching. Do as much as you can, even if it's 50$ a paycheck. It's best of you can put in as much as the employer will match.

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