
joined 1 year ago
[–] Kaiyoto 3 points 16 hours ago (2 children)
[–] Kaiyoto 9 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

A lot of viruses and other malware will disguise themselves as legitimate processes. Download malwarebytes and run it to see if it picks up anything.

[–] Kaiyoto 4 points 4 days ago

Feeding deer is illegal in some places. In Pennsylvania it's illegal because of the wasting disease that is going through the population. You'd be doing the deer a favor if you called the game warden and reported if it is illegal in your area.

[–] Kaiyoto 16 points 1 week ago (1 children)

When got dogs years ago I never wanted anything I couldn't pick up on my own in an emergency. That dog looks like a team lift situation.

[–] Kaiyoto 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Everything I've seen on Temu is very cheaply made. The things I have purchased have been my lowest expectation of that product. It's good for things like signs, stickers, and crafting products.

Have you ever bought something from Amazon and thought you paid way too much for something that clearly came straight from China? If you look on Temu for the same product with a similar description you'll usually find it for at least half the cost.

Try used bike sites where there are individuals owners trying to sell their old bikes. You might have some luck there finding something.

[–] Kaiyoto 2 points 1 week ago (9 children)
[–] Kaiyoto 7 points 1 week ago (6 children)
[–] Kaiyoto 1 points 2 weeks ago

You feel tons better when you take care of your body.

[–] Kaiyoto 9 points 2 weeks ago (14 children)

Love the bit where taxpayers are footing the bill to save him.

[–] Kaiyoto 8 points 3 weeks ago

I know the world is rough but they to have a good day.

[–] Kaiyoto 2 points 3 weeks ago

I appreciate not having trolls around but that is very hard to define. Some trolling is harmless and some are there is intentionally start flame wars. Its the flame war crap that makes it impossible to have genuine conversations.

And "don't be a dick" is always a good one.

[–] Kaiyoto 9 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Pick something and go with it. Something in ballpark of what you think you want to go for. It may not be the right choice but you'll have a degree and you can work on a second if you really have or take some certifications. But what's important is that you make a decision. Even if that decision is to take a year off and think about it, that's a decision.


Destiny 2 was barely playable at all yesterday after weekly reset, thanks to a number of error codes being spat at players during login or travel. By evening, I couldn’t play at all, loading into empty activities that would promptly kick me out after a minute or two.

Bungie has now confirmed that these instability issues have nothing to do with the recent weapon superbug that they are in the middle of fixing, where some perks have been disabled as they press toward a larger solution. Bungie has in fact revealed these current attacks on Destiny 2 are the result of outside DDoSing. Here’s what the BungieHelp account said late yesterday:

"Over the past couple of days, we've seen a spike in error codes and disconnects. The team has confirmed that these error codes are not related to the planned fixes rolling out for the recent crafting issue and are instead a result of DDoS attacks. While we typically don't confirm…"

In the tweet, Bungie says that this has happened before, but normally they would not comment on it, as that can just aid and embolden the perpetrators. This time, they’re doing it because they didn’t want people to assume it was because of the ongoing major bug fix.

There have indeed been instances in the past when Destiny 2 was suffering from huge server issues where I was told it was in fact a DDoS attack, but Bungie couldn’t say anything due to the reasons above. But it’s a frustrating situation given that of course, the wider community will assume it’s Bungie’s fault (and I mean, sometimes it is just normal server problems) instead of an active attack. Though now in the future perhaps there will be a little more room for interpretation, given that this has happened before, it’s happening now, and it will happen again.

Bungie has been incredibly litigious as of late when it comes to people impacting the game or its community. They have sued and won judgements against several large-scale cheatmakers. They went after someone who issued false YouTube takedown notices. They were awarded a judgement against someone who terrorized their former community manager and his wife.

It stands to reason they may take similar action against a DDoSer, but finding them may be a tall order. They are doing way, way more active damage to the game than some of these other cases, but it’s notoriously difficult to hunt someone like this down. It has happened in the past, but rarely, if ever, for something like going after a video game’s servers. I’m sure Bungie would absolutely seek damages or criminal charges here, if it were possible. We’ll see what happens.

For now, the game seems to be working okay as of this morning, but it’s unclear if the attacks have ceased altogether. My heart goes out to every “fix things” team at Bungie between these attacks and the ongoing bug fixes for the wildest glitch in game history. Hell of a week (Lemon, it’s Wednesday).


Not the earliest meme I remember but close.

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