Yeah, that's the one. Back when we had the iPhone 1, blackberries, razrs, and the undefeatable Nokias that kids were trying to break so they could get an iPhone.
Man, remember that brief period of time where some people had those cell phones that had a walkie-talkie-like function. You'd be having a conversation with these people and their phone would do this weird blip noise and they'd say "Hold on," and pull out their phone and "yeah, what's up?" And then there would be some unintelligible gibberish and they would say "hang on, I'm inside" and then just go walk out the front door.
Oh, man, LotR is the exception to the rule. I can definitely still enjoy a 12 hour journey to Mordor.
Mine certainly is.
If you want to compare your attention span to what it once was, try watching older media. The wife and I were watching the walking dead and I was getting bored and that's only 10 years old. Try watching 2001: A Space Odyssey without any distractions. It's torture.
My phone knows when I have sex? I mean, it's on the nightstand so... maybe, but, how? It's not like we're wearing our watches to bed.
Unfortunately, no. They're going to watch Fox News talk about how this is all Biden's fault and only the GOP can save them from suffering the same fate. They will continue to follow the same pied Piper that led them here.
So if you buy a Nissan for your teenage kid, is Nissan still allowed to track and share their sexual escapades performed within the vehicle?
Also, how do they know when you're engaged in sexual activity? Heart monitors in the seats? Humidity sensors in the AC unit? Or is it cameras in the cabin? Cause that's a very fine line to walk.
Thanks for the tip. The line break works, but the stanza spacing doesn't seem to be taking. I'm on Jerboa so that may be influencing the formatting.
But they were all of them deceived, for another chip was made. In the land of Texas, in the labs of Neuralink, the Dark Lord Elon forged in secret, a master chip, to control all others.
One Chip to rule them all,
One Chip to find them,
One Chip to network them all,
and in the TOS legally bind them.
Before WotC there was Bethesda trying to make a profit on community mods. These companies love to recycle bad ideas.
So, instead of "not collecting intelligence" it should read "unable to collect intelligence" or maybe even "collecting inconsequential intelligence"
I mean, isn't all Indian food overspiced? You could probably make curry out of just about any meat or meat substitute and it will still taste like spices.
American food has a higher focus on meat flavor, which is why so many meat alternatives try to imitate meat. You can buy vegan Indian or Chinese food here that tastes decent, but it's not a steak.