Yeah, Elite Dangerous is an amazing spaceship flying simulator, but that's still all it is for me. Odyssey was supposed to be what transitioned it from sim to rpg, and FDev didn't really deliver on that promise. Ship interiors is the next watermark I'm waiting for before I put in the effort of reinstalling my hotas setup.
My SO hates it when I play dark souls. She says it increases the stress levels in our home.
Careful, manual transmission may be fun, but it's a gateway drug to motorcycle ownership.
Footing is important for melee combat. All the small-foots got killed off in the middle ages because it's hard to defend yourself when you fall down a lot.
1 Toribyte
My sister used to do this with Target.
She was always overdrafting her accounts to the point where my dad actually had to go pay Bank of America $200 to close one of them for her, so she decided 'fuck banks' and would just spend her entire paycheck at Target. Whenever she needed cash she would head to Target and return some stuff.
It feels like the Taliban is just passing more and more ridiculous subjugation laws to try and get the west to attack them again so that they can go back to riding camels and shooting AKs with their 'brothers' instead of enduring the hell of office work and family life that is modern society.
What you see in the news and on social media doesn't paint a true picture of what daily life is like here for people. Most of Trump's supporters aren't the hateful bigots that the Internet makes them out to be, they're just convinced that he's the lesser of the 2 evils. This is why you see that his rallies are empty and he's still polling at ~47%.
Most of the deepest Trump cult fanatics live in communities where that is more prevalent, like rural Alabama, so if you don't live where they live, you just don't really encounter them. And if you do live in those areas, you're already used to the rampant racism because it's always been there.
So me and my immigrant wife will still go visit my pro-trump uncle for his annual pig roast, because he's not a bad person, he's just a moron. I'll still call my conservative mother every week because she's not threatening to kill me for voting blue, she's just consumed too much anti-Kamala propaganda. My religious sister is still welcome to visit because even though she's an idiot, my nieces are freakin adorable and I love them.
Yeah, I think the 9-5 mentality comes from a time when men would spend most of the day socializing, drinking, and sexually harassing the secretary. Back then the boys would go to lunch whenever and leave the work to the nerds and the women.
I don't think anybody here is siding with ISPs. We're just happy to hear that they're having difficulties policing piracy.
When I say individual rights I mean any and all rights an individual has or should have. In the case of piracy, an individual should have a right to entertainment media at a reasonable cost. The more corporations increase the cost of media access, the more piracy proliferates. In the case of AI, an individual should have the right to earn a living. Corporations are using the works of individuals to ultimately increase their own profits without due compensation to the individual.
I don't know how you got to pro conservative capitalism from a single anti-corporatist statement, but it likely took you several leaps of logic that I'm not going to even try to follow.
It's almost as if the people here favor individual rights over corporate profits.
Malario sounds like something you would call Wario if you only knew about Waluigi.