This + Stargate
Truly the greatest civilisation.
Werent Gauls famed for going to battle almost completely naked? Wouldnt want to ruin those pants with blood.
Makes me wonder how rich in oxygen the atmosphere would have to be for insect to grow so gargantuan. There would probably be some spectacular wildfires.
There is nothing peaceful about this thog.
Yes, the founders of the kingdom of Hungary came from the east… but we are not talking about Magyars 1500 years ago. Based on your post it seems you have some… stereotypical preconceptions about what modern day Hungarians look like.
Wait a minute… what do you think an avarage Hungarian looks like?
Also damage your stomach and your kidneys if you abuse them daily long enough time.
People pop those like M&Ms and not realize that prescription free drugs are still drugs with all their side effect.
You cant beat diabetes with guns, silly
Reject monke, embrace crab 🦀
Its funny that the picture for mosque is Hagia Sophia, which was originally an orthodox christian church.
I’d rather stay ignorant on this one, thanks. I’m scarred enough already.