Everyone else has mentioned the aurora store as an afterthought, almost as if it wasn’t really a recommendation and more so a mention. Why might they not recommend it?
Additionally do I need a google account to use grapheneOS?
Everyone else has mentioned the aurora store as an afterthought, almost as if it wasn’t really a recommendation and more so a mention. Why might they not recommend it?
Additionally do I need a google account to use grapheneOS?
This is good advice, i will wait a few days. That being said, if i can get all my apps working and i do decide to go for it, how would lineageOS compare to something like GrapheneOS for example? what other kinds of things might i lose if i choose to use a custom ROM?
what the fuck is rule 25
I recommend Montana
They just don’t voice themselves because they vote republican because it makes them more money, and they know that they are morally in the wrong. This is the case for most republicans I know and have met, there is a vocal minority whom this is not the case for.
Doesn’t look appetizing, but the ingredients do look like they could work together. Could be a similar situation to durian which smells like death but tastes good, so how did it taste?
The dark colorblind does not help me separate between the colors at all. (I am very colorblind) 2,3,7 all look the same as do 4,5,6. 1,8 also look nearly indistinguishable. None of the others are like this.
Ez ray tracing, because ray tracing is cool.
No, they use iMessage which is a large issue. I effectively need to keep iMessage working.
The issue is more social, friends and family have refused to leave iMessage just for me.
Sorry if this is really basic, but what is rooting? What are the positives and negatives of it?