Ich kann nicht deutsch sprachen aber das ist uberkomisch
Eu must switch to popcorn economy now or everyone will run out
I have idea for Putain - threaten them with nukes
I don't think economy can support this much popcorn. We need a popcorn lend lease now
We need a distributed decentralized curated whitelist that new servers will apply to be on it and hopefully get a quick week max response after some kind of precisely defined anti spam/bot audit. Also then periodic checks of existing servers.
Like crypto has transaction ledger confirmed some kind of notabot confirmation ledger chain.
Weak side if bot servers get on whitelist somehow in enough numbers they can poison it
Mind you this whitelist chain has nothing to do with content itself just whether it is AI/spam/bots or human
Avoid fiber like a plague, already
So no to popular fruits and vegetables, no carrots, beets, strawberry, apples
Hmm but also it would be good to actually poop last day before hike so maybe take some pills for that day before for a huge splasshh bbbrrrr
When you return expect to give birth to a shitman
If everyone doubles it we run out of memory and save everyone