Please send otherworldly crop rotation and irrigation strategies we don't wanna starve again like the potato blight
Not if it's seitan
When will fools like this realize the fundanentals of american beliefs doesn't favor one religion over another, even if you don't practice at all? Using religion as a base is just so disengenuous to the people.
Haha le munni
Similarly, in Spanish, Aleman means German, as such Alemania means Germany.
And just like that, every accusation is a personal confession my friend; go home, you lost.
What does this have to do with holding someone for a year before prosecution? I thought we were all assumed innocent until proven guilty, unless those cops really are bastards omgg!
I think it doesn't fit their narative and it scares them a little.
This is nothing compared to what many other African Americans have endured; what makes Musk so different?
I like this logic
Most reasonable Americans, and the larger worldwide Culinary Arts groups would prefer to wait a day and get them on sale so we can make fresh croutons; if you ever wonder why there's a discount rack that's always near empty in your local bakery, it's probably someone buying out the day old lot for the afforementioned croutons or something like crostini for some kind of appetizer dish.
Oddly enough, some of the people who survived long enough to see West Germany wanted there to be a monarchy established there...