I have the same issue.
Paper tiger economy or military?
They are making big gains right now unfortunately so it would be wise not to understimate them just like Poland aren't or France with the latter re arming at a rate not seen since WW2.
Why would they be doing this if not for the threat Russia poses.
The other overlooked factor here is they will have the most experienced and battle hardened military in the world at the end of this (well the soldiers that survive at least) But their generals and commanders are certainly getting real world experience that's very valuable.
I did one a few years back to my mountain bike..mid drive motor driving the rear wheel. It was a nice little project.
Bafang make the kits and it had lots of power..I could cruise with throttle only at 40kph!
I sold it to fund a motorbike in the end.
I don't think you've been to Ireland in a long long time if you think the church has any moral or real power over society as a whole here.
Too much realism?
Seems like your students will be in a better place now considering they won't have to hear more of this drivel.
Funny as a professor that your mind is boggled that a university could be a place for protest.
I definitely wouldn't waste my money on one, much better bang for buck out there.
Look into Harley Davidson, they should have gone bankrupt multiple times but were saved by high tarrifs placed on imported bikes.
Oh I know, it doesn't affect me but just pointing out it still exists!
This still happens on dodgy football streaming sites.
Hamburger meat 😂 Why would they not call it ground beef?
Christ no, I hope to fuck this never happens and Steam remains free of shareholders demanding constant growth.