Gimme UCS versions of the beasts and I'm in!
There was a south park on this.
What, why? Then they'll come here!
So 9/11 was what now? What a fucktard.
Dear Americans: quit depending on your politicians and turn up for voting day.
Move on. Turnip thrives in situations where he is in control of someone else.
One holds rubbish. The other is rubbish.
Why tf would they trust him again? Didn't he derail talks the last time he was in office?
They look like politicians, or local councilmen.
Hey, hey, hey, HEY! The exchange rate du jour is eggs. How many eggs is that? Cuz in my country that's about 175 of our currencies, and a dozen costs maybe 8 of those, so maybe 23ish dozens? That's a lot of eggs.
8% and these rich folks are having a hissy fit? I lose more than that in a month when my car breaks down!
Good. A kid with a gun is still a kid, and needs to be treated like one.