npm ruin dev
npm ruin lint
npm ruin build
npm ruin dev
npm ruin lint
npm ruin build
As a web app, such behaviour will also need to be programmed to work on a browser first. Packaging it for Play Store should not grant that behaviour automatically.
(2) Image overlay For Voyager, back button for image overlay works in browser.
When opening an image viewer, the web app triggers a browser history change like this:
^ notice the extra #galleryOpen
When back button is triggered, the web page will listen to a "back" event, and close the image viewer.
(3) Keyboard: Keyboard is a native UI. So triggering "back" will always close the keyboard
(1) Modal / bottom sheet
But... I couldn't figure out this one yet
Clicking on the "3 dots icon" in a post opens a bottom sheet interface.
Play Store version response to back button properly. But the web app version does not.
I installed it as a web app earlier. I don't recall conflict with back gesture. What's the issue with back gesture?
Do you expose your DNS server to the public? If not how do you use it outside of the network? Like on mobile
The experience is very smooth for me. Seems indistinguishable from a native app. Which browser are you using it with? I am using it with Chrome on Android
From my understanding, the fdroid process ensures the build is automated base on the source code provided. This prevents developer from sneaking in additional code in the build.
Wait... hosting on tor is free?
I have tested the code in both Chrome and MS Edge.
Is anything else running on the same page that you are testing?
You can test this in an empty environment like this: Enter this in your URL, "about:blank" and test the code in the console.
Here is the code for anyone else who want to try
async function slowLoop() {
while (true) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
It is not suppose to deviate too much. setTimeout will execute whenever possible at / after the given timeout duration. I am getting between 1006 to 1023 on my sysyem
Is your device performance starved during this test?
Skyrim VR!
GTX1080, NMS is playable in default setting (medium setting iirc). The game sometimes freezes when exiting orbit. But that seems like a bug.
last breeding with a neanderthal