
joined 1 year ago
[–] JackLSauce 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Understood. I've only recently been learning how much Canadian mortgages force their lendees to "readjust" to new conditions. In the US you can generally keep the initial terms shy of a refinance or foreclosure

Can you provide any local insight as to whether you can find a decent house at a lower rate than that?

I know housing affordability is a shit show there and that lady isn't making enough no matter what she does but I'm curious how much she could have lowered that percentage

[–] JackLSauce 10 points 1 day ago (5 children)

She had to sell her house after her divorce and now pays $2,679 per month for a three-bedroom townhouse in the same neighbourhood. She didn't want her children, a teen boy and teen girl, to have to switch schools or share a bedroom

Then... What did selling the house achieve...?

[–] JackLSauce 3 points 2 days ago


[–] JackLSauce 5 points 2 days ago

Got to implement one of these systems at work before

They wanted it in place ASAP so I skipped creating an opt-out/opt-in "feature"

[–] JackLSauce 3 points 3 days ago

Just burn the "dangerous books" obviously...

This isn't a "question for the community" nor even a thinly veiled attempt at raising awareness: it's the epitome of self-righteousness

[–] JackLSauce 15 points 1 week ago

They're the same picture

[–] JackLSauce 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

So like... 20 years ago?

[–] JackLSauce 10 points 2 weeks ago

I'm deep and this is 14

[–] JackLSauce 27 points 2 weeks ago

Right... like you didn't grow up watching the International Day of Solidarity with Long Term Anarchist Prisoners special every year with the rest of us

[–] JackLSauce 8 points 3 weeks ago

The high schools in Putnam County, FL were like this at least when I was a kid as a way to "keep costs low"

My dad unironically told me they added a paved road recently to show things are improving

[–] JackLSauce 3 points 3 weeks ago

Now I have 2 chairs

Just one more chair to go...

[–] JackLSauce 7 points 3 weeks ago

Uses the term capitalism correctly and is actually funny

... Where am I....?


I thought this would be dead simple but trying to label a road as "bike-friendly" isn't as intuitive as one would hope (am I "adding" a road even though it's technically there or reporting "wrong info" piece by piece?)

submitted 4 months ago by JackLSauce to c/showerthoughts
submitted 5 months ago by JackLSauce to c/pyrs
Mopac Trail (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago by JackLSauce to c/lincoln
submitted 11 months ago by JackLSauce to c/dogs

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/647097

You'll need to update the praw.Reddit() parameters and set booleans to True based on what you want to have cleared.

This also overwrites your comments with nonsense content seeing as Reddit doesn't really delete your comments if nobody forces them

Sorry about the amateurish Python, this isn't my go-to language

import praw

#Update all values set to XXXXXX and set boolean values to True for whatever you'd like to clear

reddit = praw.Reddit(
    user_agent="script running locally", #required for PRAW but not sure content matters

delete_posts = False
delete_comments = False
delete_saved = False
clear_votes = False
unsubscribe = False

def get_posts():
    return reddit.user.me().submissions.new(limit=100)

def get_comments():
    return reddit.user.me().comments.new(limit=100)

def get_subscriptions():
    return reddit.user.subreddits()

def get_saved_items():
    return reddit.user.me().saved(limit=100)

def get_upvoted():
    return reddit.user.me().upvoted(limit=100)

def get_downvoted():
    return reddit.user.me().downvoted(limit=100)

    count = 0
    upvotes = get_upvoted()
    downvotes = get_downvoted()
    for vote in upvotes:
            count += 1
            print('Clearing vote for: ', vote)
        except Exception as e:
            print('Could not clear vote due to: ', e, '(this is normal for archived posts)')
    for vote in downvotes:
            count += 1
            print('Clearing vote for: ', vote)
        except Exception as e:
            print('Could not clear vote due to: ', e, '(this is normal for archived posts)')
    if(count == 0):
        clear_votes = False

    count = 0
    saved_items = get_saved_items()
    for item in saved_items:
        count += 1
        print('Unsaved item ID: ', item)
    if(count == 0):
        delete_saved = False

    count = 0
    posts = get_posts()
    for post in posts:
        print("Deleting submission: ", post)
        count += 1
    if(count == 0): 
        delete_posts = False 

#Replace comments with nonsense data first as Reddit only "marks comments as" deleted
    count = 0
    comments = reddit.user.me().comments.new(limit=1000)
    print("Replacing comments with nonsense data")
    for comment in comments:
       comment.edit('So long and thanks for all the fish')
    print("Deleting comments")
    for comment in comments:
    if (count == 0):
        delete_comments = False

    count = 0
    subscriptions = get_subscriptions()
    for subreddit in subscriptions:
        count += 1
        print('Unsubscribed from: ', subreddit.display_name)
    if (count == 0):
        unsubscribe = False


You'll need to update the praw.Reddit() parameters and set booleans to True based on what you want to have cleared.

This also overwrites your comments with nonsense content seeing as Reddit doesn't really delete your comments if nobody forces them

Sorry about the amateurish Python, this isn't my go-to language

import praw

#Update all values set to XXXXXX and set boolean values to True for whatever you'd like to clear

reddit = praw.Reddit(
    user_agent="script running locally", #required for PRAW but not sure content matters

delete_posts = False
delete_comments = False
delete_saved = False
clear_votes = False
unsubscribe = False

def get_posts():
    return reddit.user.me().submissions.new(limit=100)

def get_comments():
    return reddit.user.me().comments.new(limit=100)

def get_subscriptions():
    return reddit.user.subreddits()

def get_saved_items():
    return reddit.user.me().saved(limit=100)

def get_upvoted():
    return reddit.user.me().upvoted(limit=100)

def get_downvoted():
    return reddit.user.me().downvoted(limit=100)

    count = 0
    upvotes = get_upvoted()
    downvotes = get_downvoted()
    for vote in upvotes:
            count += 1
            print('Clearing vote for: ', vote)
        except Exception as e:
            print('Could not clear vote due to: ', e, '(this is normal for archived posts)')
    for vote in downvotes:
            count += 1
            print('Clearing vote for: ', vote)
        except Exception as e:
            print('Could not clear vote due to: ', e, '(this is normal for archived posts)')
    if(count == 0):
        clear_votes = False

    count = 0
    saved_items = get_saved_items()
    for item in saved_items:
        count += 1
        print('Unsaved item ID: ', item)
    if(count == 0):
        delete_saved = False

    count = 0
    posts = get_posts()
    for post in posts:
        print("Deleting submission: ", post)
        count += 1
    if(count == 0): 
        delete_posts = False 

#Replace comments with nonsense data first as Reddit only "marks comments as" deleted
    count = 0
    comments = reddit.user.me().comments.new(limit=1000)
    print("Replacing comments with nonsense data")
    for comment in comments:
       comment.edit('So long and thanks for all the fish')
    print("Deleting comments")
    for comment in comments:
    if (count == 0):
        delete_comments = False

    count = 0
    subscriptions = get_subscriptions()
    for subreddit in subscriptions:
        count += 1
        print('Unsubscribed from: ', subreddit.display_name)
    if (count == 0):
        unsubscribe = False

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