
joined 1 year ago
[–] JPSound 2 points 11 months ago

Save the World is very fun. I also got fortnite the day it came out on XBox and loved save the world. When they shut that down, I never played fortnite again... until i saw they brought back save the world and I've been playing regularly lately.

[–] JPSound 2 points 11 months ago

I've always just held one stick in each hand and pick up the food long ways.

[–] JPSound 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Years ago, I may have felt the same and I probably did but my life is not compatible with "getting gud" at every game that comes my way or that i even want to play. I grew up with the same systems as you as I know full well they used to be much harder and the challenge was the whole point. Not anymore so much with a lot of games.

I have chosen 1 game to fully invest myself into and that's BG3. I'm on my tactician run, just as I did with DoS 1 & 2 and I'm enjoying it because I'm willing to do so with that masterpiece of a gaming experience. But I also play other games when I can't and I just want it to be fun. Hard, easy and everything in-between, I just wanna zone out, forget about my day and watch an interactive story unfold before me.


[–] JPSound 12 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I'm 38 and easy modes are made for people like me. I usually dont have the time, attention or patience required by some games to even have a fighting chance in game progression (looking at you FromSoft) I don't regularly use easy mode as it does make many games trivially easy but sometimes it's just enough where I can enjoy the story, explore a beautiful and imaginative world and see it through to the end without the bullshit. I usually have no desire to be a hard-core veteran of a game's mechanics but I still want to play the game. If people don't like it, we'll, I'm still 38 and dont give a shit what others think anymore. Just take my $60 and entertain me.

[–] JPSound 10 points 1 year ago

Is that a lawfin? I hope there's a salt water pool nearby.

[–] JPSound 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

IMO there's certainly nothing wrong with going on reddit. There's still stuff there but it's just not the same and it's not for me. They don't respect their users at all and I'm just not going to give them anymore of my time.

I haven't been here all that long butI think Lemmy is growing and real growth takes years. It seemed like reddit was this little secret for the first few years, then BOOM! Massive growth and it was a slow decline after that. Lemmy is on the upswing and with any luck, this place won't fall into the same pitfalls ar reddit.

[–] JPSound 1 points 1 year ago

I'd love to give Skyrim another go with my PC as I've only ever played it on console. I have FONV on PC with all the best rated popular quality of life mods and it's still horrendously ugly. I've seen others mod skyrim and it looks beautiful.

[–] JPSound 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It's straight up magic gibberish to me. I'm a decently bright dude and have a highly technical job in a different field, but goddamn, that shit makes no sense to me. I am, however, very grateful for the enchanters and wizards in the art of digital tongue, for without them, I my be forced to sit in silence with my own thoughts rubbing two rocks together in a tree.

[–] JPSound 8 points 1 year ago

"SiR, tHiS iS a wEnDyS!" tips fedora

Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

[–] JPSound 22 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I left the day they made the switch and, after 12 years as a daily user, i haven't logged into my account since. Because of Lemmy, don't miss it one bit. The only reason I ever see reddit posts is when they happen to show up in any of my DDG searches. Usually, they show up when I'm trying to seach for info flabout a game or mods, at which point my reddit usage is purely utilitarian. I dont login and i no longer use it as any source of entertainment or online social interactions.

Lemmy reminds me of very early Reddit, which is unrecognizable in its current state. After years of stupid decisions, the overwhelming barrage of adds, trackers and corperate greed, the reddit I found so engaging and entertaining was lost years ago. My exit was just an acknowledgement of that truth.

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