
joined 2 years ago
[–] JATtho 4 points 4 months ago

Fortunately, there is a gap in the atmosphere that allows to radiate heat directly in the outer space - so in that (narrowish) wavelenght band there is no limit. (But, notably, with current tech the gap is not very usable or has only very limited applications)

[–] JATtho 17 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

Python is just a pile of dicts/hashtables under the hood. Even the basic int type is actually a dict of method names:

x = 1
['__abs__', '__add__', '__and__', '__bool__', '__ceil__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', ... ]

PS: I will never get away from the fact that user-space memory addresses are also basically keys into the page table, so it is hashtables all the way down - you cannot escape them.

[–] JATtho 17 points 4 months ago

This "news" looks pure FUD + confusion of what actually happened, and I think is best to be ignored until it can be read coherently from the next weeks news paper... I'm only commenting because of my local news began to propel this shit...

[–] JATtho 21 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I know two friends.. who would absolutely lynch you for doing this.

Anyway, it has been fun following them and occasionally ask "whats this card worth?" and general answer has been 5-50€ a card. The cards can be worth more than literal money.

[–] JATtho 27 points 4 months ago

This was truly a wtf moment of the month.

Last time I spent time watching him was when he freaking fixed the kexec syscall for IBM PowerPCs. for free

[–] JATtho 6 points 4 months ago

permanently attached USB SSDs are supposed to be mounted

Just mount them somewhere under / device, so if a disk/mount fails the mounts depended on the path can´t also fail.

I keep my permanent mounts at /media/ and I have a udev rule, that all auto mounted media goes there, so /mnt stays empty. A funny case is that my projects BTRFS sub-volume also is mounted this way, although it is technically on the same device.

[–] JATtho 16 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

For example, the new .config directory in the home directory.

I hope slowly but surely no program will ever dump its config(s) as ~/.xyz.conf (or even worse in a program specific ~/.thisapp/; The ~/.config/ scheme works as long as the programs don't repeat the bad way of dumping files as ~/.config/thisconfig.txt. (I'm looking at you kde folks..) A unique dir in .config directory should be mandatory.

If I ever need to shed some cruft accumulated over the years in ~/.config/ this would make it a lot easier.

[–] JATtho 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

They could be very well using the earth's orbit around the sun to get better resolution - two data points from opposite sides of the orbit. What I know is that the largest "virtual" radiotelescope is literally the size of earth. The data points are synced with atomic clocks (or better), and a container of harddrives gets shipped into a datacenter to be ingested. Thats hundreds of streams (one per antenna) of data to be just synced up, before the actual analysis even can begin. (I'm just guessing after this) At this point, you have those hundreds (basically .wav files) lined up at timepoints they were sampled (one sample, one timepoint column). So row by row, so you can begin to sort out signal phase differences between the source rows.

I.e to put it shortly: an image is not taken, it is inferred and computed. Not that you even could in the first place, it's a blackhole after all.

[–] JATtho 12 points 4 months ago

I have begun to see that YT is being hostile to adblocker users - and this worries me. I assume YT is already probing the clients to see which are circumveting the ads.

I had an (let's say unconventional) idea at one point: an add-on which only purpose is to show the YT ads in the background which uBO blocked. All of the blocked ads would be played (eventually) - except that the user can just ignore this happening in background and wouldn't be actually seeing the ads. I.e. the browser would just move playing the ads into a background container not visible to the user.

[–] JATtho 2 points 4 months ago

Jokes on merge.. when a rebase editing goes wrong after +15 commits and six hours, and git hits you with a leadpipe: "do it. Do it again, or reassemble your branch from the reflog." I.e. you commited a change very early, went over bunch of commits resolving/fixing/improving them and at middle way forget if you should commit --amend or rebase --continue to move forward. Choose wrong, and two large change-sets get irreversilbly squashed together (that absolutely shouldn't), with no way to undo. Cheers. 👍

[–] JATtho 4 points 5 months ago (1 children)

The default systemd target to boot into can be overriden from the kernel command line.

If the GUI ever gets broken, having a such fallback boot entry just for the (VT) console mode is invaluable. (The boot-entry can reuse the same kernel and initrd images from the regular boot.)

[–] JATtho 16 points 5 months ago (3 children)

More like defending TSMC... large majority of all high-tech silicon is made in Taiwan. If that foundry burns, the consequences would be astronomical. The possible consequences are already at a point they could make threats via self-sabotage.

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