
joined 4 months ago
[–] Itdidnttrickledown 1 points 2 hours ago

I think the point is that he quit playing a long time ago but can't bring himself to delete it. Even to free up a bit of space.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 0 points 14 hours ago

its not hard to extract the image or video from the webp container.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 9 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Burns is no fool and trump is a huge fool. A fool with no decency for sure but still a fool.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 2 points 1 day ago

I read this as repressed fundie likes anal.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 3 points 3 days ago

This is accurate.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 2 points 3 days ago

they never see consequences. Rarely and usually on after some serious media attention.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 6 points 3 days ago

I'm sure nestle will help out with their giving nature and all.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 26 points 3 days ago (7 children)

From the US here. They have uses as work trucks but the majority of these bro-dozers are pristine and have have never hit any water deeper than a pothole in the road.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 50 points 5 days ago (4 children)

These shock jock types always seem to nuke themselves in the end. That guy looks like the weekly bad guy on a episode of Starsky and Hutch from the 70's

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 0 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Everyone has to hate something to feel better about themselves. I've tried alpine and no thanks. Its great if someone likes it but I'll just stick with what has been working for nearly 20 years.

[–] Itdidnttrickledown 9 points 1 week ago

They worship magnets.

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