For me it was the giant space virus mosquitos in Voyager. As a kid that shit was nightmarish.
It's fine. Atmosphere is good. Some of the dialog is compelling. Combat can be fun but it's what you make it. The open world is still painfully empty off the beaten path... You can't interact with most npcs. Driving controls are still wack. Worth trying though.
Not sure why you are getting down voted. This is pretty accurate. American history as taught in American schools is essentially indoctrination where all the bad parts are removed.
Many of the founding fathers were shitty people.
I love fun facts.
We are grateful for you fellow internet human.
May I introduce you to Slay the Spire?
This is possibly the most captain obvious article title I've ever seen.
Welp... It's been a ride folks. Enjoy your favorite foods while you still can.
My imaginary friend existed before yours did! That's what this is like.
Gonna need a skin graft after that burn....
This is some Merlin level superstition... Might as well claim that he is doing in on purpose while it's happening.