Some have speculated it's complying in advance with stealth editing of books to remove whatever content has been decided to be censored. If you can't download the original copy and keep it, they can change the one you have and make it seem like the original text never existed.
It sounds like a Disco Elysium reference
I can't decide if Princess either betrayed Allison and took Vigilant Gaze out herself and is currently up to something, and now they're booby-trapped and that's why they're being returned, or if they were successful at whatever they were to do and these "businessfolks" really are hedging their bets by trying to make nice with Allison. (I think they are naive and don't understand Allison is an Aesma-style King and she won't feel beholden to them for the favor.)
Princess conceivably has a real grudge against Allison, who not only bound them when they were an Ebon devil and changed them against their will, but also forcibly changed their gender on them. With each iteration of devil, they turn more masculine. And they were old enough a devil that if they recalled anything from their past life, they might remember how to play a long game. I like Princess, but if anyone is going to betray Allison, I think it might be her if she holds onto the grudge that Vladok might have had.
We also don't know if 2 Michael or Metatron came to chat with Vigilant Gaze while Allison was away. Or even recently, when he was forced out of his armor back to the void. Metatron is pretty insane but also an angel which as far as I can tell by the rules of this universe basically make his lies into truth. He believes his lies, which as far as I understand of the red and white arts would make them a powerful form of sorcery. So I think it's possible Vigilant Gaze could get whammied by Metatron just like White Chain was when she tore off her face.
I dunno, I just keep thinking someone in Allison's camp is going to betray her.
Nukoku might also be a possibility...her coloring still makes me think she's one of Incubus', she's very pink and white, so it seems possible she was somehow was taken advantage of by him. We've seen her single eye, but not her forehead, and she might bear part of his key.
I can't remember if I said before, I might've, but I think Allison's "demiurges" won't be demiurges despite eventually holding the keys, because instead of portraying the facet of their key in greedy excess, they do it in balance. Showcase the best of that trait rather than the worst. White Chain is the first of Allison's friends gaining keys, I suspect. If Nukoku is tied to Incubus' key already, she might later wield it not out of lust for power, but out of love for Allison, showing its softer side.
Anyway. I predict betrayals. We'll see how shitty of a seer I am eventually.
You could start by NOT sowing despair.
but I was around listing to music in 2001 and we all voted that Creed sucks
Can confirm, was also listening to music in 2001, and Creed sucks
Given current events though, I wonder if Disturbed and System of a Down will be moved to make something new.
Aren't carne asada fries just mexican poutine anyhow?
You start adding/subtracting ingredients to the fries the further north/south you go until you get poutine or carne asada fries.
Everyone else thinks I was cute. Which I take to mean everyone is being polite
I don't know if this helps, but someone who loves the adult-you will absolutely look at your baby photos through the same filter as they look at you now. They'll see those photos as a little peek into the past of someone they already like. So you could genuinely be ugly as hell as a kid--but if they like you now, that's not gonna matter to them, you'll be cute.
This doesn't have such a large age-gap, but someone I knew had a crush on me looked at my employee photo (that I fucking HATED) and decided they liked my "little smirk". Why did they love the photo I hated? Because they had an emotional connection to me (on their side at least) anyhow.
About three days. I get headaches, and shakey, and at some point in the first twenty four hours the hunger pangs vanish. So if I focused through something without eatung I might only realize due to headache and the empty vibrating feel.
It happens less as I get older as I understand body signals better and eat before the point when the hunger pangs fade.
I'm having a bad day, but kitty cats make me smile, so give him a pat for me. And a hug.
As a writer, this is why I'll never condemn cozy books with happy endings. This type of media, whether it's games or books or music, helps real people get through crappy times intact, even if elitists sneer that overly happy stuff isn't this or that. Usually people who are going through the worst times irl are the ones who need avenues of escape most. If you're already living through crap, you don't need media to remind you of the crap, you already know good and well that crappy things exist.
Learn why the Japanese like squid.
Even if you didn't mean to coin an euphemism, I love this new euphemism.
Babymetal also did a song with Electric Callboy that's awesome.