Really tasty all veg soup. Crockpot lentil soup
Spent some time in a similar situation earlier this year in Aus. Wasn't strip searched but they check everything you bring in, turn out your pockets and confiscated phone charging cables, shoe laces, belts and drawstrings from pants. Also not allowed to take bags onto the ward.
It's a safety measure for everyone's sake: staff, patients and visitors. Its not necessarily that you would be a danger to others, as other patients stealing something and doing something dangerous.
Don't know about the US but there is no way the hospitals over here are buying body scanners with their shoestring budgets.
"For I am just an old man, plus me balls are saggy" - Borjoyzee, Giants: Citizen Kabuto
We call them gooseberries here in australia
Seconded. Bobiverse is great to listen to while mowing the lawn or doing other mindless jobs.
Maybe offer to shout them a nice dinner once a month. I know it involves money but it's more of a gift than paying their bills.
I'm red-green colourblind(Deuteranopia) and often think this exact thing, how the reality I perceive is different from others purely due to this.
You can also ignore them on their developers page to blanket-ignore their games
Thats why I said to speak to a GP or psych. In Australia, the GP is first line for diagnosis who then refers you on to psychologist or psychiatrist.
I'm just suggesting that based on what OP said, RSD could be a possibility and they should see a doctor for help if they are serious about improving their mental health etc.
I don't know about illusory hearing as related to RSD but I do know that I had similar issues most of my life.
I used to think people were looking at me, talking about me and sometimes thought that they could hear/guess my thoughts. Started when I was a kid. Found out it was ASD-1 and a brain tumor causing alot of the issues.
And the only way I found out about that was by going to the doctor. I really do recommend speaking to a doctor about these issues and you might be surprised with what they find and how much better you feel once you can get the right therapy.
If you are neurodivergent, it might be worth looking into Rejection sensitive dysphoria and Social phobia.
It may feel like others are judging/bad talking you but that may not be the case.
Speak to a GP or psychologist, they can help with these types of issues.
This is interesting. Looks like its possible. Both dubious sources but it looks likely that other agencies are looking into it.
2014 article about student research
2015 article about Boeing patenting similar tech.
2024 article about chinese military developing them for drones