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[–] Ifera 8 points 4 months ago

"Sucks" is entirely subjective when applied to musical taste, I applaud your attempt for engagement. I do believe that Queen is overhyped to hell and back but other than that, big meh, lots of people don't like the same music I do, so that is completely normal.

Mild take.

[–] Ifera 5 points 4 months ago (1 children)

All good atheists are open to the possibilities, because we do not have atheism as a belief, but as a word to express that we are a=without + theism=religion.

Personally, even if a deity showed up and perform a miracle right before my eyes, I would not convert without a massive discussion because my personal moral compass would not allow myself to worship a being that holds so much power, but actively refuses to reduce suffering in such a large scale, but that is just me.

If it had a good reason such as being imprisoned by an evil deity and just having freed itself, and coming back to us to help us, then it would get my full support and belief, after some scrutiny of course.

[–] Ifera 3 points 4 months ago

For me, it would keep me from being an oxymoron. I make an active effort to test my knowledge and beliefs, and to update my knowledge when previously held beliefs prove either false or unjustified.

And to hold a belief so significant without any proof or evidence would make me a hypocrite.

[–] Ifera 9 points 4 months ago

I had the opposite experience, pansexual but homoromantic, neraly married a woman I thought I loved, sex was amazing and I thought what I felt was love through the eyes of an autistic person, but after she broke up with me and I finally had my first boyfriend, everything clicked.

You can't miss what you have never had, but once you discover your true self, there is no going back.

[–] Ifera 2 points 5 months ago

They do, according to the studies I have read. And unlike a lot of studies, that default to male violence in straight cases of domestic violence, a lot of the lesbic cases seem to be tagged as mutual violence.

Don't know if it is bias on the measuring bodies, since a lot of people claim female on male violence is not a thing, and that the moment a man strikes a woman, no matter the circumstances, it is male on female. Including a case I witnessed, where a female family member attacked her boyfriend with a knife, he disarmed her and since he bruised her while doing so, he was removed from the house and lost custody of his own daughter.

[–] Ifera 16 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Same, I am bi, and that is the reason I stopped trying to date women, or anyone who behaves like that for good measure, because some guys try to pull that same stunt.

I want a partner who is as interested and as into dating me as I am into dating them, someone who puts the time in and makes an effort, makes me and my time feel valued, and is also willing to to invest themselves and their time on me, and I don't know if I was just unlucky, but I never found a woman who was into that. But then again, I pretty much only dated teens and women in their early 20s, as I liked dating people on my own age group and it was at those ages that I was actively dating women.

But from an outsider's perspective, now on my late 30s, the straight dating market looks awful, I think I'll stick with men.

[–] Ifera 5 points 5 months ago

At least for me, who was a disabled kid who literally couldn't go out and play under the sun, online multi-players were my salvation. For collaborative games, such as MMOs, few things are as fun as a full squad with comms, whole party of friends investigating a brand new dungeon. Or the gorgeous chaos of a full chain of command, creating strategies and forming friendships in the heat of a 60 v 60 battle, gathering resources beforehand to make yourself useful, the commaradery of giving your old, engraved armor and weapons to your guild's treasury, or to a growing player you took under your wing.

A lot of its allure is for isolated people, a place to build a community and sure, chatting is a significant aspect, but once you know your squadmates, everything flows just better.

[–] Ifera 8 points 5 months ago

In countries without free and efficient health care? Hell no. I am against self medication for obvious reasons, but my self diagnosis(On autism and ADHD), and discussing it with my doctor (Not telling the doctor "I have X and Y", but telling them "I think I might have X and Y but haven't been able to follow through with all the hoops they make me jump through to get diagnosed) got me the push I needed to actually go ahead and pay to get properly diagnosed.

Mostly because I thought "I am already an adult, so it won't make a difference", my GP asked me a few questions, told me he wasn't legally qualified to diagnose me, but recommended a private clinic where they did walk Ins, was pretty affordable and I would not have to worry about the main reason why I wasn't tested and diagnosed yet, the fact that my country's free health insurance gives those appointments after a grueling process of going for a general evaluation, scheduled months into the future, then having to bring the medical reference to a different city,, waiting for them to be approved, then get the reference + the approval to another office, which would then set up your appointment about a year after that date. Go make 10 people with ADHD and no help try to follow that process by themselves, which I tried and failed multiple times, and tell me how well it goes.

Oh, and I forgot to add, everything is valid for just 10 days after it is released from their current step, to bring to the next step, if those 10 days run out, start over from zero. Doing that while also having a full time job, which falls at the same time as the times when those offices open, recipe for absolute disaster.

I'm on the camp of, "offer the self diagnosed support but encourage them to get diagnosed before actually treating them", and not only "You're supported" clichés, actually get in there and help them with all the red tape and paralizing issues they will end up facing, and the reasons why they haven't been diagnosed yet.

[–] Ifera 2 points 5 months ago

Thank you! No wonder my translator broke. Same principle as a few weeks ago and the jeans, AI generated, shitty memes, got it.

[–] Ifera 13 points 5 months ago

Rule of thumb, when asking about stuff, it is good to give a couple of examples.

[–] Ifera 7 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Honestly, I agree with you and with them. They chose said painting because it is incredibly expensive, so it represents how much people are willing to pay for a painting, while not doing an effort to care for the world we live in.

According to my sources, another reason was that the painting was encased in glass, so they saw it as a great target for the stunt, to get attention, while not causing any damage to the actual work of art.

So, the message being "Look at how much you people's care about us "destroying" a work of art, but nobody gives a shit about the people who are destroying the world".

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