Payouts should come from their pension fund.
If you take the wing and ground effects off, it looks like a 30 year old Toyota Supra.
I don't know if I'd call that "futuristic".
This is hysterical. It's the kind of stupid thing that a great group of friends would do, but it's all filmed.
I use Business Calendar daily. It's very customizable, easy to use, and has been awesome for years.
Last time I used NewPipe, it downloaded fine, and I could play back the downloads from the app, but there was no way to move the downloads to a non-system folder, so they were effectively locked into the app. Has that changed?
Outside the tastee-freeze
Is there any actual evidence that a change.irg petition gets anything changed?
That album is one of my all-time favorites. I also really like "white, discussion" and "waitress"
Not true for "any for-profit business", but true for "any publicly-traded company".
Private corporations are beholden only to the laws of the land.
I think they should have made Israel from a piece of Germany.
Instant classic!
That's not a yellow flag, that a flashing red flag. It tells you that they will probably believe all the quasi scientific-sounding fads that come up, and also that they are not good at critical thinking.