Dont get all high and mighty. The United States is an amazing country! We have to deal with all this 'woke justice' every day bringing down our country. Once they are finally purged them we can finally have our fascist utopia rich straight white men will finally have all the power again, as demanded by the bible (which I hear is a great book, but honestly who has time to read these days)
Given how much about science we still have to learn, I would say it is a distinct possibility. If you want something cheap and easy to use like a microwave to do this though, I highly doubt we'd see that possible for the next 30-40 years at minimum.
The issue is youre trying to address this with care and empathy and logic.
Youll never understand if you dont think like a sociopath, people can be replaced, it's about having more, future be damned we need to maximize the now, and if people die then they die.
Cheap labor to further enrich the upper class.
If they are merely surviving then they wont have the resources to fight it.
Use another fan to make the wifi circular, then your upload speeds shouldnt be hindered
Usually not, I try not to mingle with the...riff raff...who we allow to occupy our homes. And when they forget the manditory tip, whelp out to the streets with you since you can't manage your finances.
Based on the should tilt, the right arm must be massively long, scratch your ankle while standing kind of long
So he wasnt a virgin
Vell I agree!
Not enough poop on it