Damn it's sad that this post even exists. I hope things get better for you chief.
Just saw a post about this on TikTok and every one in the comments where cracking jokes and basically saying it was good she died. Couldn't believe it. Whether or not you agree with how she ran YouTube, there's no reason to be so cruel to a parent who died just after having to bury their own child. Glad Lemmy is being more thoughtful and respectful about this horrible situation.
Thanks for cross posting!!
Since people are sharing their weather apps, I use Breezy Weather! Multiple sources, lots of info, FOSS, what's not to like. I tried multiple sources untill I found one that was the most accurate for me.
Congrats! You've won! Check your DMs and please respond to this comment once you redeem the key!
Damn that's awful. Hope things start looking up for you soon chief.
I'm very excited for Build 42 as well! The art pass they did on the buildings has me really excited (and basements of course).
Yeah I'm regretting refunding Elden Ring on PC because the performance was bad. I rebought it on PS5, but I really wish I could check out the Seamless Coop mod. Might have to double dip during a sale.
I've been lurking and modding from the shadows! Still have a lot of keys to give out but I was waiting till the community became active again lol.
I own DOS 2 from back when it came out, does DOS 1 still hold up? Would it be better if we just played 2 either way?