Weather underground is owned by IBM now
Boy do they let you know with A 5 SECOND SPLASH SCREEN on Android..
Weather underground is owned by IBM now
Boy do they let you know with A 5 SECOND SPLASH SCREEN on Android..
Encryption is a must if your car has anything-by-wire on it.
Acceleration is already commonly used this way.
If the car has internet, even more so.
I know, cars don't need internet, but it's there and it's convenient and it's easier to collect data that way..
But-but RAISINS!
And they are not Beatles.
I'm inside, living where I was born. Still not welcome..
I thought we were talking about manual override to pull the window down..
Don't judge by the looks!
A wifi antenna should be easy to find.
If you cut it, could it lead to an error, or just weaken the signal?