Some selection pressure seems to be returning. anti mask (during a pandemic), anti vax, homeopathy. some folks seem to want to or have their kids die early.
if you got married before 2000 and had a decent job. especially if both did. having kids seemed like a thing to do. past 2000 anyone smart had to contend that the world of their kids adulthood did not seem like it would be great.
I thought at first it was 24 hours and I was like woa man. Sometimes folks have to take a break. But 24 days is long.
Depends on if you think trump hotels on the gaza strip is better.
I got the pill sorter things where I can prepare it every week. But since I average once a day I fille every other weekish.
granted im not canadian so I was not very invested and was just reading headlines. I just sorta assumed.
what. what. what. I think I misunderstood this whole thing. They are actually removing them? I thought it was more like they were not going to make more and let them rot type of thing.
Even things I do regularly im only sorta, kinda, able to keep it going. I have some supplements I take twice a day and that sometimes happens but I almost take them at least once a day. I highly encourage shooting high to get closer to a minimal level of compliance. Oh and this only really works for really easy things.
For almost the last decade I have tried to be very accepting of death. Life and death are equally fine on my feet. My wife to. I love her but I don't want to live with her on our knees. We live decently or we die.
Its annoying that we need a fact check on this sovereign citizen like non reasoning. Heres one of mine. since nixon was impeached all actions by republican presidents are null and void. sorry. nixon got impeached. now no president of his party is lawful.
yeah and I have to say even nice smokers seem to have no issue with flicking their but when they are done. Anytime I see a smoker hold onto their but when there is not some sort of enforcement I am like. That person is the rare saint.
Its more like a third activey wants you dead and a third would prefer that not be the case and a third somehow wanted to stop the horribleness of the democrats by being those friends to folk that makes them not need enemies.