Yeah I really don't get who this is protecting, how it is improving the military in any way, saving any money, or anything else that could pass for an excuse besides just plain old hate.
It is actually image data that they were after for this large geospatial model. The game has quests where you scan an area (as well as the AR mode but I know dozens of people who play and no one uses it), which gives them the image and location pair. If they were just after your spatial coordinates they wouldn't need any of the machinery around Pokemon Go - Niantic is a Google spin off (with Google as a major owner), so they'd be able to get that data a million other ways (such as how apps like Wordscapes track your location - by showing you ads).
Most voters didn't vote. The DNC has repeatedly tried meeting people in the middle with no success to show for it.
It sounds like you're just trying to be contrarian? Do you have any reason whatsoever to not believe the article? I understand doubting the article, but it seems you've just decided that it is exactly the opposite of the truth, which I don't get.
How did the rooster attack you with the WD-40? It seems like he'd have trouble pushing the nub down. And what did you squirt him with?!?
Holy moly that would save so much time. I already kind of cheat and mostly do my thighs now that it is winter, since I don't really feel my shin hair normally.
Maybe the man who famously got rich, spun out a million dollar McLaren F1 sending it sailing through the air shattering all the windows and damaging the body and suspension heavily, who then said to his passenger "You know, I had read all these stories about people who made money and bought sports cars and crashed them. But I knew it would never happen to me, so I didn’t get any insurance" shouldn't be driving either.
We'd call him Chef MIMAL to help memorize where the states were.
I find it somewhat regrettable most days.
Is that reaction actually increasing the misogyny though? I kinda expect it's just bringing out into the open what is already there tbh
I thought the nose in panel 5 was the mouth and I was horrified.