
joined 2 years ago
[–] Hominine 7 points 1 hour ago

Title: Sam Altman's sister, Annie Altman, claims Sam has severely abused her URL: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/QDczBduZorG4dxZiW/sam-altman-s-sister-annie-altman-claims-sam-has-severely ID: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/QDczBduZorG4dxZiW/sam-altman-s-sister-annie-altman-claims-sam-has-severely Score: 0.17347335815429688 Published Date: 2023-10-07 Author: Pl

There's quite the lengthy diatribe after this header so I used "AI" to summarize:

Annie Altman, the sister of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, has publicly accused him of severe abuse, including sexual, physical, emotional, and financial abuse, dating back to her childhood. She claims that Sam sexually assaulted her when she was 4 years old and he was 13, though she only fully remembered and processed this trauma in 2020. Annie has detailed her struggles with mental health, financial instability, and alleged technological abuse (e.g., shadowbanning) by Sam, which she says has hindered her ability to earn a living. Despite her consistent claims over several years, there has been minimal mainstream media coverage of her allegations. The post aggregates her statements and social media posts, emphasizing the seriousness of her accusations and calling for further investigation, given Sam Altman's influential position in AI development. The author remains neutral, acknowledging the lack of direct evidence but highlighting the need for scrutiny due to the gravity of the claims.

[–] Hominine 4 points 2 hours ago
[–] Hominine 1 points 2 hours ago

Like a dog🦴

[–] Hominine 1 points 3 days ago

...prohibiting the sale of child pornography, weapons, and drugs. But I see you're neatly setting some of these aside.

[–] Hominine 2 points 5 days ago

..always with the verification cans.

[–] Hominine 5 points 5 days ago

This was me and cocoa pebbles, for whatever reason I can't stand "regular milk".

[–] Hominine 2 points 5 days ago

I had zero problems with either FF or Signal after the first weeks though I migrated over to Fennec and Molly as alternatives since then. Sorry, I can't help with lichess though I can say that my nonograms work fine. =P

[–] Hominine 108 points 6 days ago (14 children)

So glad I moved to GrapheneOS last month.

[–] Hominine 1 points 1 week ago

One would think in larger part.

[–] Hominine 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Fuck this foolish narrative, even Bernie couldn't come close to winning Texas.

[–] Hominine 1 points 1 week ago

"recent misunderstandings"

my ass

[–] Hominine 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I had fun with this one, it's exactly what the title says. Reminds me of watching my dad pump quarters into Ms. Pacman. The time control mechanic lets me feel like I inherited a bit of his skill. =P


Mark Ruffalo spoke about what’s next, and told his followers we have our “marching orders”.
"No to Trump/Vance. No to the right-wing Christian religious takeover of our nation. Nothing wrong with Christianity; just shouldn’t be running a nation birthed from freedom of religion.”

Appreciate someone saying this loud and proud.


As an older, and increasingly jaded gamer, I'm having a hard time remembering when I've last been so excited over a release as this one. Riven is seemingly getting the gold-standard treatment with a ground-up remake that not only utilizes 3D (and VR) to give depth to the world but also adds new content while keeping the visuals near one-to-one.
My favorite part of Riven personally is the excellent soundtrack, I can't wait to hear it while wandering around and exploring this space all over again. Cheers, Lemmy!


Michael Hallett, a professor of criminology at the University of North Florida who studied the effects of “Cops,” said he viewed the NYPD’s forays into social media as a natural response to a digital media ecosystem that rewards speed and sensationalism.

The proliferation of body-camera footage and, increasingly, drones, have made it easy for police to create their own reality series, free of delays imposed by the TV gear and network schedules, he said.

“They now have a proactive and sophisticated messaging system that is designed and intended to deliver messages on behalf of the police agenda,” Hallett added. “In the negotiation for control of the message, that gives them the upper hand.”


Not sure if this is a log that Android 14 exposed but when I first got my 7a I could not get fingerprint actions working. Anyway it works now.

When setting a Logcat Entry event under Profiles, search for a "Biometrics/AuthenticationClient" Component in the log. Then try filtering for something like "onAuthenticated(true), ID:123456789", the individual finger ID. Tasks can then be fired off on unlock.

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